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Linkin Park lyrics
Heroes lyrics
You know me, I used to get caught up in everyday life Trying to make it through the..., so I can sleep at night Tried to figure out my way through the...
Heroes [Russian translation]
Ты знаешь меня, я не привык отставать от обычной жизни Пытаюсь прожить ее..., для того, чтобы спать по ночам Пытался выяснить как мне пройти через пут...
Web of lies lyrics
[Verse 1: Mike Shinoda and Chester Bennington] When I pretend everything is what I want it to be I look exactly like what you had always wanted to see...
Linkin Park - 1Stp Klosr
I cannot take this anymore Saying everything I said before All these words they make no sense I've found bliss in ignorance Less I hear, the less you ...
1Stp Klosr [Czech translation]
Chystám se ke zhroucení Potřebuji malý prostor k dýchání přibližuji se o krok blíž k okraji A Chystám se ke zhroucení Chystám se ke zhroucení Tento pr...
1Stp Klosr [French translation]
Je ne peux plus soutenir cette chose: dire tout ce que j'avais dit auparavant. Tous ces mots n'ont aucun sens, donc j'ai trouvé le bonheur dans l'igno...
1Stp Klosr [Greek translation]
Δεν αντέχω άλλο, να λέγω καθετί που έλεγα πριν. Όλες αυτές οι λέξεις δεν έχουν καμιά σημασία ανακάλυψα την ευτυχία στην άγνοια. Όσο πιο λίγα ακούω, τό...
1Stp Klosr [Russian translation]
Я больше не могу этого выносить Повторяю ещё раз всё, что уже говорил Эти слова не имеют смысла Я нашёл утешение в грубости Чем хуже я слышу, тем мень...
1Stp Klosr [Serbian translation]
Ne mogu vise ovo da podnesem Govorim sve sto sam vec pricao Sve ove reci nemaju nikakvog smisla Pronasao sam blazenstvo u neznanju Sto manje pricas, s...
1Stp Klosr [Turkish translation]
Artık buna dayanamıyorum Daha önce söylediğim şeyleri söylüyorum Bütün bu sözler anlam ifade etmiyor Cahillikte saadet buluyorum Ne kadar az duyarsam ...
26 Lettaz In Da Alphabet lyrics
Man, the other day I was trying to figure out how many letters was in the alphabet It took me all day, but you know I did it You wanna know how many l...
26 Lettaz In Da Alphabet [Czech translation]
Man, the other day I was trying to figure out how many letters was in the alphabet It took me all day, but you know I did it You wanna know how many l...
26 Lettaz In Da Alphabet [French translation]
Man, the other day I was trying to figure out how many letters was in the alphabet It took me all day, but you know I did it You wanna know how many l...
26 Lettaz In Da Alphabet [Greek translation]
Man, the other day I was trying to figure out how many letters was in the alphabet It took me all day, but you know I did it You wanna know how many l...
26 Lettaz In Da Alphabet [Portuguese translation]
Man, the other day I was trying to figure out how many letters was in the alphabet It took me all day, but you know I did it You wanna know how many l...
26 Lettaz In Da Alphabet [Turkish translation]
Man, the other day I was trying to figure out how many letters was in the alphabet It took me all day, but you know I did it You wanna know how many l...
Linkin Park - A Light That Never Comes
Nah, you don't know me Lightning above and a fire below me You cannot catch me, cannot hold me You cannot stop much less control me When it rains it p...
A Light That Never Comes [Czech translation]
Ne, neznáte mě, nade mnou blesk a pode mnou oheň nemůžete mě chytit, nemůžete mě zadržet, nemůžete mě zastavit a už vůbec ovládat. Když prší, tak pořá...
A Light That Never Comes [French translation]
Non, tu ne me connais pas Un éclair au-dessus et un feu au-dessous de moi Tu ne peux pas m'attraper, tu ne peux pas me retenir Tu ne peux pas m'arrête...
A Light That Never Comes [Greek translation]
Μπα, δεν με ξέρεις Κεραυνός πάνω και φωτιά κάτω από εμένα Δεν μπορείς να με πιάσεις, να με κρατήσειςΔεν μπορείς να με σταματήσεις κι ακόμα λιγότερο να...
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