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Arch Enemy lyrics
A Fight I Must Win lyrics
I've lived in darkness Stood in the light Crawled through the shadows Between wrong and right One thing I know for sure This is a fight I must win Wit...
A Fight I Must Win [Russian translation]
Я прожила во тьме, Что затмевала свет, Пробиралась сквозь тени Между добром и злом. Но одно я знаю наверняка: Я должна выиграть эту битву. С жестяными...
A Fight I Must Win [Turkish translation]
Karanlıkta yaşadım Işıkta durdum Gölgeler boyunca süründüm Doğru ve yanlışın arasında Kesinlikle bilmem gereken bir şey Bu kazanmam gereken bir kavga!...
Aces High lyrics
There goes the siren that warns of the air raid Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak Out for the scramble we've got to get airborne Got to ge...
Angelclaw lyrics
Angelclaw - A queen of the night She reigns from her throne of stone Bringer of evil, a destroyer of souls Do what thou wilt, lust is her excuse She'l...
As the pages burn lyrics
As the pages burn Secrets can't be unlearned, Silence can't be unheard. Knowledge is burden, Power is onus, As the pages burn. Your memories fade Free...
As the pages burn [Greek translation]
Όσο οι σελίδες καίγονται Τα μυστικά δε μπορούν να μη μαθευτούν, η σιωπή δε γίνεται να μην ακουστεί. Η γνώση είναι βάρος η δύναμη είναι ευθύνη, όσο οι ...
As the pages burn [Hungarian translation]
Ahogy az oldalak égnek Úgy a titkokat nem lehet eltitkolni, A csend nem lehet hallhatatlan. A tudás és a Hatalom terhet jelent, Ahogy az oldalak égnek...
As the pages burn [Russian translation]
Пока страницы догорают, Тайны невозможно не разгадать, Тишину невозможно не услышать. Знание становится обузой, А власть – ответственностью, Пока стра...
As the pages burn [Turkish translation]
Sayfalar yanarken Sırlar öğrenilemez olamaz Sessizlik duyulamaz olamaz Bilgi yüktür Güç yükümlülüktür Sayfalar yanarken Anıların kayboluyor Gerçekliği...
As the pages burn [Ukrainian translation]
Секретів не можна не вивчити, Тишу не можна не чути. Знання то тягар, Влада настає, Як сторінки горять. Спогади твої згасають Звільнений від прогалин ...
Avalanche lyrics
A fistful of fear in my hands, A bullet of betrayal in my brain, No progress comes from pleasure, We smile in ignorance and learn in pain. Willful dec...
Avalanche [Turkish translation]
Bir avuç dolusu korku ellerimde İhanetin kurşunu beynimde Rahat varsa gelişme yoktur* Cehaletle gülümsüyor ve acı içinde öğreniyoruz Kasıtlı hilekarlı...
Avalanche [Ukrainian translation]
Жменя страху у моїх руках Куля зради у моїх мізках, Немає розвитку у втіхах, Ми сміємося у дурості і вчимося у болю. Умисний обман був твоїм планом, В...
Beast Of Man lyrics
Beware the beast of man For he's the devils pawn Alone among god's primates He kills for sport, lust or greed The sacred scrolls... The truth unfolds....
Beast Of Man [Croatian translation]
Pazi se zveri od čoveka Jer je on đavolji pijun Sam među Bozijim primatima On ubija iz sporta,strasti i pohlepe Iz svetih svitaka... Istina se otkriva...
Beast Of Man [Hungarian translation]
Vigyázz a vadállat emberrel, Ő az ördög gyalogosa, Egyedüli Isten főemlősei között, Megöli a sport, a vágy vagy a kapzsiság. A szent tekercsekben... A...
Beast Of Man [Turkish translation]
insan canavarına dikkat et çünkü o şeytanın kuklasıdır tanrının yarattıkları arasında bir tek o spor, zevk ve hırs için öldürür kutsal olan yuvarlanıy...
Behind The Smile lyrics
Sands of time Running through my fingers My life slipping away And I feel nothing Swallow the tears Eat the pain - It's worth the degradation - Eat th...
Black Earth lyrics
Across the lake of fire Through the deserts of decay The flames are burning higher In this land of death you're easy prey Black Earth Save - Our - Sou...
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