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Russian Red lyrics
Hold It Inside [Spanish translation]
No estoy llevándome No estoy, no estoy desvaneciendome No estoy cayendo Tu no, tu no estás cayendo Porque solamente lo mantienes dentro Lo mantienes d...
I Hate You But I Love You lyrics
You were so high above in the sky I just keep feeling like a little child I hate you but I love you I just can't take how beautiful you are I hate to ...
I Hate You But I Love You [Finnish translation]
Olit niin korkealla taivaalla Minusta tuntuu vain pikkulapselta Vihaan sinua mutta rakastan sinua En vain voi sietää sitä miten kaunis olet Vihaan san...
I Hate You But I Love You [Persian translation]
تو خیلی خوشحال بودی،انگار در آسمان سیر می کردی من احساس یک کودک را داشتم از تو متنفرم ولی دوستت دارم نمی توانم زیبایی تو را دوام آورم از این که این را...
I Hate You But I Love You [Spanish translation]
Tú estabas tan alto arriba en el cielo Yo solo seguí sintiéndome como una niña pequeña Te odio pero te quiero Simplemente no puedo soportar lo hermoso...
I Hate You But I Love You [Turkish translation]
Gökyüzünün çok üstündeydin, Ben, kendimi küçük bir çocuk gibi hissetmeye devam ettim. Senden nefret ediyorum; ama seni seviyorum, Bu kadar güzel olduğ...
I'm down lyrics
I’m coming for more without asking Cause my attitude’s selfish like that And you’re closing the jar of the music Room fading the notes Them played the...
I'm down [Spanish translation]
I’m coming for more without asking Cause my attitude’s selfish like that And you’re closing the jar of the music Room fading the notes Them played the...
January 14th lyrics
You, you were really sweet that night And you, you were dress in vinyl style When I saw you I could only stop my dance You, you were really someone ne...
January 14th [Spanish translation]
Tu, tu fuiste verdaderamente dulce esa noche Y tu, tu ibas vestido en estilo de vinillo Cuando te vi, solo podía parar de bailar Tu, tu eras alguien n...
Just Like A Wall lyrics
On my way Way to the stars I found You were there Laying down Next to a hole Oh, hold me You said You had faith in God above But it seemed That you di...
Just Like A Wall [Finnish translation]
Matkallani Matkallani tähtiin Olen huomannut Sinä olit siellä Makuulla Reiän vieressä Oi, pitele minua Sinä sanoit Sinulla oli uskoa Jumalaan Mutta va...
Just Like A Wall [Spanish translation]
En mi camino hacia las estrellas Te encontré Estabas allí, tumbado junto a un agujero Oh, abrázame Dijiste que tenías fe en el Dios de arriba Pero no ...
Just Like A Wall [Turkish translation]
Kendi yolumda yıldızlara doğru giderken buldum seni Orada, bir kara deliğin hemen yanında uzanıyordun Sarıldın bana, dedin ki: "yukarılarda bir tanrı ...
Kiss My Elbow lyrics
And every five minutes I look at the door And I see you naked And there's a question That comes up to my mind I wonder whether you are blind But if I,...
Kiss My Elbow [Finnish translation]
Ja viiden minuutin välein Katson ovelle Ja näen sinut alasti Ja on kysymys Joka tulee mieleeni Mietin oletko sokea Mutta jos, hmm hmm, yritän saada se...
Kiss My Elbow [Spanish translation]
Y cada cinco minutos miro hacia la puerta, y te veo desnudo. Y hay una pregunta que me viene a la cabeza; me pregunto si eres ciego. Pero si yo, hmm h...
Loving Strangers lyrics
Loving strangers, loving strangers, loving strangers oh…. (x2) I’ve got a hole in my pocket where all the money has gone And I’ve got a whole lot of w...
Loving Strangers [Hungarian translation]
Szeretetteljes idegenek, szeretetteljes idegenek, szeretetteljes idegenek oh...(x2) Van a zsebemen egy lyuk, amin az összes pénzem szélfolyt És sok te...
Loving Strangers [Romanian translation]
Iubire ciudată, Iubire ciudată, Iubire ciudatăoh ...(x2) Am o gaură în buzunar, pe unde s-au strecurat toți banii Și am multe de făcut cu inima ta Fii...
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