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Russian Red lyrics
Conquer The World [Turkish translation]
Çok gençtik Ama hayat bir katil. Çok uzun süre kaldık Ama ışık umudu siliyor. Aklımda, Yanında dünyayı fethetmek var. Son zamanlarda davranışlar çok t...
Crying lyrics
I was all right for a while I could smile for a while But I saw you last night You held my hand so tight As you stopped to say, 'Hello' Oh, you wished...
Crying [Finnish translation]
I was all right for a while I could smile for a while But I saw you last night You held my hand so tight As you stopped to say, 'Hello' Oh, you wished...
Crying [Spanish translation]
I was all right for a while I could smile for a while But I saw you last night You held my hand so tight As you stopped to say, 'Hello' Oh, you wished...
Everyday Everynight lyrics
You were travelling really far I had to stay in watch the plants Be sorry Miles away and planes apart You were discovering a new land I was lonely You...
Everyday Everynight [Polish translation]
Wyruszyłeś w naprawdę daleką podróż Ja musiałam zostać, żeby dbać o roślinki I żałować Rozdzieleni przez wiele mil i samolotów Ty odkrywałeś nowy ląd ...
Everyday Everynight [Spanish translation]
Estabas viajando muy lejos Tenía que quedarme en casa, mirar las plantas Lamentarme A kilómetros y aviones de distancia Estabas descubriendo un nuevo ...
Everyday Everynight [Turkish translation]
uzaklarda yolculuk yapıyordun, bende kalıp çiçeklere bakmak zorundaydım üzülmelisin kilometrelerce uzakta ve uçaklarla ayrı yeni yerleri keşfediyordun...
Fuerteventura lyrics
You're always such a fool And in your eyes so blue I see the life I never had before Do you remember when We used to live things separate We hadn't me...
Fuerteventura [Finnish translation]
Olet aina sellainen typerys Ja niin sinisissä silmissäsi Näen elämän jota minulla ei koskaan ennen ollut Muistatko Kun meillä oli tapana elää asiat er...
Fuerteventura [Greek translation]
Όλο φέρεσαι χαζά, και στα μάτια σου τα γαλανά βλέπω τη ζωή που δεν είχα ποτέ ξανά. Θυμάσαι πώς ήτανε παλιά; Που κάναμε ό,τι κάναμε χωριστά; Δεν είχαμε...
Fuerteventura [Polish translation]
Wciąż jesteś takim głupkiem A w twoich jakże niebieskich oczach Dostrzegam życie, którego nigdy wcześniej nie miałam Czy pamiętasz, jak Przeżywaliśmy ...
Fuerteventura [Spanish translation]
Siempre erestan tonto Y en tus ojos tan azules Veo la vida que nunca he tenido antes ¿Recuerdas cuando Solíamos vivir nuestras vidas por separado? No ...
Fuerteventura [Turkish translation]
Her zaman böyle bir aptalsın Ve gözlerin mavi Yaşamı gördüm, hiç böyle olmamıştı Hatırladığın zaman Ayrı şeyler yaşadığımızı Tanıştıgımızda ümidimiz y...
Girls Just Want To Have Fun lyrics
I come home in the morning light My mother says "When you gonna live your life right?" Oh, mommy, dear, we're not the fortunate ones And girls just wa...
Girls Just Want To Have Fun [Spanish translation]
Vuelvo a casa con las luces de la mañana Mi madre me dice: "¿Cuándo vas a vivir tu vida correctamente?" Oh, mamá, querida, no somos afortunadas Y las ...
Gone, Play On lyrics
This never ending song is scratching Scratching my brain Like a vinyl in desire This never ending thought Is coming and is gone It's travelling on a p...
Gone, Play On [Spanish translation]
Esta canción sin fin está arañando arañando mi cerebro como un vinilo deseado Este pensamiento sin fin viene y se va Está viajando en un avión en mi d...
Gone, Play On [Turkish translation]
Hiç sonu gelmeyen bir şarkı beynimi tırmalıyor. Beynimi tırmalıyor. Arzu içindeki bir vinil* gibi Hiç sonu gelmeyen bir düşünce geliyor ve gidiyor.* B...
Hold It Inside lyrics
I'm not taking I'm not, I'm not fading I'm not falling You're not, you're not falling 'Cause you just hold it inside You hold it inside You hold it in...
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