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Chris Norman lyrics
Send A Sign To My Heart [Romanian translation]
Cand ai incalcat legamantul iubirii, Ti-am spus ca acela este sfarsitul, Dar simt inca acea durere in inima mea... - Prinsa intre doua sentimente in s...
Shallow Waters lyrics
I lost my heart on love’s waters they were warm as summer gold when the sunlight gave way to the moonlight I was swimmin’ so naked and cold They say s...
Shallow Waters [Romanian translation]
Mi-am pierdut inima în apele iubirii, Erau calde precum nisipul verii Când lumina soarelui a acordat cale razelor lunii Eu încă înotam... atât de gol ...
Shallow Waters [Romanian translation]
Mi-am pierdut inima in apele iubirii, Erau calde precum nisipul verii Când lumina soarelui a cedat locul razelor lunii Eu inca innotam... atât de gol ...
Some Hearts Are Diamonds lyrics
Open your heart to all of those years Baby you look through a rainbow of tears. You watched your dreams all fadin' away This time you're right oh you ...
Some Hearts Are Diamonds [Greek translation]
Άνοιξε την καρδιά σου σε όλα αυτά τα χρόνια Μωρό (μου) κοιτάς μέσα από ένα ουράνιο τόξο δακρύων Είδες τα όνειρά σου να ξεθωριάζουν Αυτή τη φορά έχεις ...
Some Hearts Are Diamonds [Hungarian translation]
Nyisd ki a szíved az idő számára, baby keresztüllátsz a könnyek szivárványán. Végignézted ahogyan az álmaid mind kifakulnak, de ezalkalommal neked van...
Some Hearts Are Diamonds [Italian translation]
Apri il tuo cuore a tutti quegli anni Amore, guardi attraverso un arcobaleno di lacrime. Hai visto i tuoi sogni svaniscono, Questa volta hai ragione, ...
Some Hearts Are Diamonds [Macedonian translation]
Отвори го срцето за сите овие години Душо, гледап низ виножито од солзи Гледаше како соништата избледуваат Овој пат си во право Ти го разубавуваш мојо...
Some Hearts Are Diamonds [Romanian translation]
Deschide-ti inima,spre toti acei ani Scumpo tu privesti printr-un curcubeu de lacrimi, Ti-ai vazut toate visele spulberandu-se, De aceasta data ai dre...
Some Hearts Are Diamonds [Russian translation]
Открой свое сердце всем этим годам, Милая, ты смотришь сквозь радугу слез, Ты видишь, как все твои мечты исчезают, В этот раз ты права, О, ты делаешь ...
Some Hearts Are Diamonds [Serbian translation]
Otvori svoje srce svim onim godinama Dušo, ti gledaš kroz dugu suza Gledala si svoje snove kako blede Ovog si puta u pravu ti mi ulepšavaš dan Godine ...
Some Hearts Are Diamonds [Swedish translation]
Öppna ditt hjärta för alla dessa år Baby, du ser genom en regnbåge av tårar Du såg alla dina drömmar flagna bort Den här gången har du rätt Åh, du gör...
Some Hearts Are Diamonds [Turkish translation]
Kalbini bu yıllar boyunca aç Bebeğim, gözyaşlarından oluşan bir gökkuşağına bakıyorsun. Hayallerinin tamamen kaybolup gitmesini izledin Bu sefer haklı...
Stay one more night lyrics
All the words of love and passion. Never really mean the thing. When freedom is callin'. 'Cos the times are changing. Sometimes all the good goes wron...
Stay one more night [French translation]
Tous les mots d'amour et de passion Ne veulent jamais vraiment dire cela, Quand la liberté nous appelle, Car les temps changent: Parfois tout ce qui e...
Stay one more night [Romanian translation]
Toate cuvintele de iubire si pasiune Nu inseamna nimic Cand libertatea te cheama Timpurile se schimba. Cateodata tot binele devine rau Si lacrimile cu...
Stay one more night [Romanian translation]
Toate cuvintele de dragoste si pasiune. Nu înseamnă cu adevărat ceva. Când libertatea este strigata. Pentru ca vremurile se schimba. Uneori, tot binel...
Still in love with you lyrics
I get the same old feeling Whenever I’m with you What else can I do I can’t help it I can’t help it I’m still in love with you I get the same old year...
Still in love with you [German translation]
Ich habe das gleiche alte Gefühl Immer, wenn ich bei dir bin Was kann ich sonst noch tun Ich kann mir nicht helfen Ich kann mir nicht helfen Ich bin i...
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