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Chris Norman lyrics
No Arms Can Ever Hold [Russian translation]
Родная, мои слезы замерзли Ведь годы были такими тяжелыми Я никогда не сдамся, даже во сне Глубоко внутри моя любовь все еще живет И только Богу извес...
No Arms Can Ever Hold You lyrics
Baby Frozen tears It was hard through the years I'll never give up Never one of my dreams. Deep inside is my love still alive And God only knows That ...
No Arms Can Ever Hold You [German translation]
Baby Gefrorene Tränen Es war schwer durch die Jahre Ich werde niemals aufgeben Niemals einen meiner Träume. Tief im Inneren lebt meine Liebe noch Und ...
No Arms Can Ever Hold You [Hungarian translation]
Bébi Megfagytak a könnyeim Nehéz volt nekem az évek során Én sohasem fogom feladni Soha egyiket sem az álmaimból. Mélyen legbelül a szerelmem még élet...
No Arms Can Ever Hold You [Romanian translation]
Iubito, Am lacrimile îngheţate, A fost greu de-a lungul anilor. N-o să renunţ vreodată Nici măcar la un vis. Mi-e încă vie dragostea pe dinăuntru Şi D...
No Arms Can Ever Hold You [Spanish translation]
Pequeña Lágrimas heladas Fue duro año tras año Nunca me rendiré Ni siquiera en sueños en lo más profundo mi amor sigue vivo y sólo Dios sabe que no pu...
Obsession lyrics
Obsession... Obsession... Obsession... Well I don't know why every time I touch you You make my heart react, And when you go, I never get enough of yo...
Obsession [Romanian translation]
Obsession... Obsession... Obsession... Well I don't know why every time I touch you You make my heart react, And when you go, I never get enough of yo...
Oh Carol lyrics
Well, I was out cruisin', getting late and I was losing When I saw you walkin' my way So nonchalant, I bet you get what you want So do I, and I ain't ...
One last kiss lyrics
One last kiss it's all I'll ever ask from you On a night like this there's nothing I would rather do One last dream it's all you ever give to me Night...
One last kiss [Romanian translation]
Un ultim sărut este tot ce voi cere de la tine Pe o noapte ca asta, nu e nimic...m-ar realiza mai degrabă. Un ultim vis, este tot ce mi-am dorit sa-mi...
One Way Love Affair lyrics
You're walking down the street Not really going' anywhere When suddenly you meet A one-way love affair The way she says hello Sends shivers through yo...
One Way Love Affair [French translation]
Tu marches en descendant la rue, Sans vraiment aller quelque part, Quand soudain tu rencontres Une histoire d'amour à sens unique. La façon dont elle ...
One Way Love Affair [Hungarian translation]
Te tovább sétálsz lenn az utcán Igazán nem mégy sehova Egyszer csak találkozom veled Ez egyoldalú szerelmi kapcsolat Az út azt mondja hogy hello Borzo...
One Way Love Affair [Romanian translation]
Te plimbi în josul străzii Mergând spre nicăieri Când deodată întâlneşti O dragoste unică Felul în care spune “bună” Trimite fioruri prin inima ta Şi ...
Right Time, Wrong Place lyrics
Give up your heart it?s time for some kissing A girl like you don?t know what you do to me Look up your eyes and see what you?re missing Move in close...
Sarah lyrics
Sarah oh I need you Sarah you take my breath away. Sarah oho gotta have you Sarah you take my breath away. Another restless night without you secret f...
Sarah [Romanian translation]
Sarah, oh am nevoie de tine, Sarah, îmi tai răsuflarea. Sarah, oho, trebuie să te am, Sarah, îmi tai respirația. Încă o noapte agitată fără tine, sent...
Send A Sign To My Heart lyrics
Chris: When you broke the promise of love I told you we were through But there's still that pain inside me Lory: Torn between two feelings tonight I a...
Send A Sign To My Heart [Hungarian translation]
Chris: Mikor megszegted a szerelem ígéretét Megmondtam, hogy végeztünk De még mindig fájdalom van bennem Lory: Két érzés között őrlődök ma este Remény...
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