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Chris Norman lyrics
For You [Romanian translation]
Ei bine, prima datá cand te-am vázut In acea zi friguroasá de iarná am fost prins intre rai si iad si chiar am incercat din rásputeri sa scap de ochii...
Gypsy Queen lyrics
Gypsy Queen [Hungarian translation]
Holló (fekete) haj és égő szemek Láttad-e már valaha az én cigány királynőmet? Ő egy angyal, álruhában A legédesebb lány akit valaha is láttam Saját m...
Gypsy Queen [Italian translation]
Cappeli corvini e occhi castani, Hai mai visto la mia regina zingara? Lei è un angelo camuffato, La ragazza più dolce che abbia mai visto. Ha il suo t...
Gypsy Queen [Romanian translation]
Păr ca pana corbului şi ochi căprui, Mi-aţi văzut vreodată regina ţigancă? Ea -i un înger deghizat, Cea mai dulce fată văzută de mine vreodată. Are ea...
Gypsy Queen [Russian translation]
Волос ворона, карий глаз - Видел королеву ты цыган? Скрылся ангел в ней от нас – Девчонки лучшей я не знал. В ней магия иного свойства, И путь особенн...
Heart And Soul lyrics
I don't want nobody else but you, only you Don't you know that everything I do Is all for you only you I fall and I stumble I'm forgetting to breathe ...
Heart And Soul [Romanian translation]
Nu vreau pe nimeni in afara de tine, Doar pe tine... Nu știi că tot ceea ce fac Este numai pentru tine, Doar pentru tine... Mă prăbușesc si ezit, Uit ...
Hearts on Fire lyrics
It was a quiet night, I was too far from home At the end of the street, where the young lovers meet, she was standin' alone And when I asked her name,...
Hearts on Fire [Romanian translation]
Era o noapte liniştită, eram prea departe de casă. În capătul străzii, Unde tinerii îndrăgostiţi se-ntâlnesc, Ea stătea singură. Şi când am întrebat-o...
Hunters of the Night lyrics
You know you touch my heart You made me running hide I wanna feel your body by my side You walk the streets again You need a love and friend To try to...
Hunters of the Night [French translation]
Tu sais que tu touches à mon coeur. Tu m'as fait courir pour me cacher.1 Je veux toucher ton corps à mes côtés. Tu te promènes dans les rues encore.2 ...
Hunters of the Night [Hungarian translation]
Tudod, megérinted a szívem Rejtőzködésbe hajszoltál Érezni akarom a tested magam mellett Az utcákat járod megint Megpróbálni megállítani a tűzet Mélye...
Hunters of the Night [Romanian translation]
Ştii că mi-ai atins inima, M-ai făcut să mă ascund. Vreau să-ţi simt trupul lângă mine. Mergi pe străzi din nou, Ai nevoie de iubire şi de un prieten,...
Hunters of the Night [Russian translation]
Знаешь, ты тронула моё сердце, Ты заставила меня скрытно бегать, Я хочу ощущать твоё тело собой, Ты снова бродишь в поисках, Тебе нужны любовник и дру...
I Can't Dance lyrics
Hot sun beating down burning my feet just walking around. Hot sun making me sweat 'Gators getting close, hasn't got me yet I can't dance, I can't talk...
I need your love lyrics
I've travelled through my share of sorrows And we have had our ups and downs And I always knew that beg, steal or borrow That it felt so good having y...
I need your love [Hungarian translation]
I've travelled through my share of sorrows And we have had our ups and downs And I always knew that beg, steal or borrow That it felt so good having y...
I need your love [Romanian translation]
I've travelled through my share of sorrows And we have had our ups and downs And I always knew that beg, steal or borrow That it felt so good having y...
I'll Meet You at Midnight lyrics
A summer evening on Les Champs-Élysées, A secret rendezvous they planned for days. A sea of faces in a crowded café, A sound of laughter as the music ...
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