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Harry Belafonte also performed lyrics
Song For A Winter's Night
The lamp is burnin' low upon my table top. The snow is softly falling. The air is still in the silence of my room. I hear your voice softly calling. I...
Song For A Winter's Night [French translation]
La lampe brûle tranquillement1 sur ma table. La neige tombe doucement. L'air reste immobile dans le silence de ma chambre. J'entends ta voix qui m'app...
Song For A Winter's Night [German translation]
Die Lampe brennt schwach auf meiner Tischplatte Sanft fällt der Schnee Die Luft ist noch in der Ruhe meines Raumes Ich höre deine Stimme sanft rufen W...
Song For A Winter's Night [Romanian translation]
Lampa arde linistita pe masa mea Zăpada cade ușor Aerul ramane inca in linistea camerei mele Aud vocea ta care ma cheama incet Daca as fi putut sa te ...
Song For A Winter's Night [Serbian translation]
Lampa gori slabo na mom stolu. Sneg lagano pada. Vazduh je i dalje u tišini moje sobe. Čujem tvoj glas nežno kako doziva. Samo kada bih mogao da te im...
Song For A Winter's Night [Ukrainian translation]
Лампа горить на моєму столі. Сніг м'яко падає. Повітря все ще знаходиться в тишині моєї кімнати. Я чую твій голос тихо кличе. Якщо б я міг тільки тебе...
Roger Whittaker - Try to Remember
Try to remember The kind of September When life was slow And oh so mellow Try to remember The kind of September When grass was green And grain was yel...
Try to remember lyrics
Try to remember the kind of September When life was slow and oh so mellow. Try to remember the kind of September When grass was green and grain was ye...
Try to remember [Croatian translation]
Pokušaj se sjetiti onakvoga rujna Kad je život bio tako polagan i oh, tako mek. Pokušaj se sjetiti onakvoga rujna Kad je trava bila zelenija i zrnje j...
Try to remember [French translation]
Essais de te souvenir de ces septembres Où la vie était lente et oh, si douce Essais de te souvenir de ces septembres Où l'herbe était verte et le gra...
Try to remember [German translation]
Versuche, dich an diesen* September zu erinnern, als das Leben so mild und locker war. Versuche, dich an diesen* September zu erinnern, als das Gras g...
Gordon Lightfoot - The Last Time I Saw Her
The last time I saw her face, Her eyes were bathed in starlight, And her hair hung long. The last time she spoke to me, Her lips were like the scented...
The Last Time I Saw Her [French translation]
La dernière fois que j'ai vu son visage, Ses yeux se baignaient dans la lumière des astres, Et sa chevelure tombaient. La dernière fois qu'elle m'a pa...
The Last Time I Saw Her [German translation]
Als ich ihr Gesicht das letzte Mal sah, Badeten ihre Augen im Sternenlicht, Und ihr langes Haar hing herab. Als sie das letze Mal zu mir sprach, Glich...
The Last Time I Saw Her [Ukrainian translation]
Востаннє, коли я бачив її обличчя Її очі купалися у зоряному світлі, Та коливалося її довге волосся. Востаннє, коли вона промовляла до мене, Її губи б...
Perry Como - Scarlet Ribbons
I peeked in to say goodnight And then I heard my child in prayer "And for me some scarlet ribbons Scarlet ribbons for my hair" All the stores were clo...
Scarlet Ribbons [Romanian translation]
Am privit înăuntru să spun „ noapte bună” Şi atunci mi-am auzit copilul rugându-se „Şi pentru mine nişte panglici roşii, Panglici roşii pentru părul m...
The Banana Boat Song
Intro Hill and gully rider Hill and gully Hill and gully rider (hill and gully) Hill and gully rider (hill and gully) Verse 1 Day-o, day-o Comes the l...
Try to Remember
Try to remember the kind of September When life was slow and oh so mellow Try to remember the kind of September When grass was green and grain was yel...
Try to Remember [Hungarian translation]
Emlékezz arra a kedves szeptemberre Mikor az élet vontatott és oly komótos volt. Emlékezz arra a kedves szeptemberre Mikor a fű zöld volt és arany a g...
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