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Harry Belafonte also performed lyrics
Caetano Veloso - Cucurrucucu Paloma
Dicen que por las noches no más se le iba en puro llorar; dicen que no comía, no más se le iba en puro tomar. Juran que el mismo cielo se estremecía a...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [Bulgarian translation]
Казват , че нощем, само плаче, Казват , че не спи, само пие, Кълнат се , че самото небето, тръпне , като го чуе да плаче, как страда за нея, и до смър...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [Chinese translation]
他们说每当夜晚来临 他总是哭着走了; 他们说他什么都不吃, 总是饥肠辘辘地离去. 相信这个天空撼动了 当听到他的泣声, 一同为他难过, 直到他死前都还在叫着那个女孩子: 哎呀呀呀呀,... 唱着歌啊, 哎呀呀呀呀.....呜咽着啊, 哎呀呀呀呀.....唱着歌啊, 逝去的热情.....已死了啊. 一...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [Croatian translation]
Kažu da noćima Ništa nije, nego samo plakao; Kažu da nije jeo, Ništa nije, nego samo pio. Kunu se da se samo nebo Treslo na zvuk njegova plača, Koliko...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [English translation]
I don't know who put this version of the song In Source Lyrics.. But that is way off! Even in Spanish.. Original Song by: Lola Beltran Original Transl...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [English translation]
They say that at nights He simply went through by just crying They say that he wasn’t eating It simply didn’t suit him just taking (some food) They sw...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [English translation]
They say through every nighttime he was purely a flowing river of tears; they say he wasn’t eating, but drinking to drown out the pain that so sears. ...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [English translation]
They say that at night All he would do is cry; They say he didn't eat, All he would do is drink [alcohol]. They swear that heaven itself Shook upon he...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [English translation]
They say that at night he did nothing but cry, they say he didn't eat he did nothing but drink. They swear that the very sky (heavens) 1. trembled on ...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [French translation]
Ils disent que, la nuit, Il ne faisait que pleurer Ils disent qu'elle ne mangeait pas, Il ne faisait que boire. Ils jurent que le même ciel Frémissait...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [German translation]
Sie sagen, dass er in der Nacht nichts anderes getan hätte, als zu weinen, dass er nicht gegessen hätte, dass er nichts anderes getan hätte, als zu tr...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [Greek translation]
Λένε πως τις νύχτες τις έβγαζε απλά με το κλάμα Λένε πως δεν έτρωγε Απλα δεν του ταίριαζε αυτό Ορκίζονται πως ο ουρανός ο ίδιος τανταλιζότανε στην ακο...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [Hebrew translation]
הם אומרים שבלילות הוא לא עשה דבר חוץ מלבכות, הם אומרים שהוא לא אכל הוא לא עשה דבר, רק שתה. הם נשבעים שאפילו השמים רעדו בשמיעת הבכי שלו, איך הוא סבל בש...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [Italian translation]
Dicono che di notte non faceva altro che piangere; dicono che non mangiava, non faceva altro che bere. Giurano che persino il cielo rabbrividiva a sen...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [Italian translation]
Dicono che di notte trascorreva piangendo; dicono che non mangiava trascorreva la notte bevendo. Giurano che lo stesso cielo si commuoveva quando asco...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [Romanian translation]
Se spune că în fiecare noapte tot ce voia era numai să plângă; se spune că nu mânca, tot ce voia era să bea. Ai jura că Cerul însuși se cutremura când...
Cucurrucucu Paloma [Turkish translation]
Diyorlar ki, geceleri ağlamaktan başka bir şey yapmıyormuş. yemek yemediğini söylüyorlar içmekten başka bir şey yapmıyormuş Yeminle söylüyorlar ki, gö...
Come Away Melinda [Venetan translation]
Papà, papà, vien védar Varda còssa gò trovà Péna fòra da qua Fin che scavavo 'na busa Vien via, Melinda Vien drento e sèra ea porta No xe gninte, soeo...
Come Back Liza
Every time I'm away from Liza Water come to my eye Every time I'm away from Liza Water come to my eye Come back, Liza, come back, girl Wipe the tear f...
Day-o, me say day-o Daylight come and me wanna go home Day-o, me say day-o Daylight come and me wanna go home Work all night till the mornin' come Day...
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