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Notis Sfakianakis lyrics
Rain lyrics
It's raining outside but that's not unusual But the way that I'm feeling is becoming usual I guess you could say The clouds are moving away Away from ...
Rain [Greek translation]
It's raining outside but that's not unusual But the way that I'm feeling is becoming usual I guess you could say The clouds are moving away Away from ...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] lyrics
Αυτή την άγια ώρα Που τα χείλη μας σμίγουν Και φυλακίζουν χιλιάδες σ' αγαπώ Αυτή την άγια ώρα Δε χρειάζονται λόγια Μιλάει η αγάπη μας Και για τους δυο...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] [Czech translation]
V tuto posvátnou chvíli, kdy se naše rty setkávají a vězní tisíce “miluji tě”, v tuto posvátnou chvíli není třeba slov, hovoří naše láska za nás za ob...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] [English translation]
This holy hour Where our lips meet And are jailing hundreds of "I love you" This holy hour Words aren't needed Our love is talking For us two Statues,...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] [English translation]
In this holy hour When our lips meet And lock up thousands of 'I love yous' In this holy hour We don't need words Our love speaks for the both of us S...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] [English translation]
This holy hour, That are lips are uniting, And are imprisoning inside them a thousand ("I love you's) This holy hour, There's no need for words Our lo...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] [English translation]
This Holy hour That our lips contact (touch) And jail thousands of "I love you's" This Holy hour Words are not needed Out love speaks For both of us S...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] [Italian translation]
Questa santa ora che le nostre labbra si incontrono e imprigionano migliaia di "ti voglio bene", questa santa ora non c'è bisogno di parole, il nostr'...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] [Russian translation]
В эти святые часы Когда губы наши смешались И нас сковали тысячи «я тебялюблю». В эти святые часы Нам не нужны слова, Говорит любовь наша За нас двоих...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] [Serbian translation]
U ovom svetom trenutku kada se nase usne spajaju i hiljadu reci "volim te" cuvaju U ovom svetom trenutku nisu potrebne reci nasa ljubav govori umesto ...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] [Spanish translation]
En esta hora sagrada en que nuestros labios se unen y encierran miles de te amos En esta hora sagrada No son necesarias las palabras Habla nuestro amo...
Αγάλματα [Agalmata] [Transliteration]
Aftí tin áya óra Pu ta híli mas smígun Ke filakízun hiliádes s' agapó Aftí tin áya óra De xriázonde lóya Milái i agápi mas Ke ya tus dio Agálmata, na ...
Αγάπη Αλκοολική [Agapi Alkooliki] lyrics
Τέσσερα χρόνια στη γωνιά τσαλακωμένα τα 'χεις πετάξει είπες τέρμα πια για μένα τι με ρωτάς τώρα λοιπόv πoύ ξημερώνω σε πoια αγκαλιά αμαρτωλά φιλιά ματ...
Αγάπη Αλκοολική [Agapi Alkooliki] [Bulgarian translation]
Четири години в ъгъла смачкани си ги хвърлила, каза “край вече” за мен та какво ме питаш сега къде съмвам, в коя прегръдка греховни целувки кървавя? О...
Αγάπη Αλκοολική [Agapi Alkooliki] [English translation]
You've crumpled up and thrown away four years in the corner You said it was the end, that you didn't want me anymore So what are you asking me now tha...
Αγάπη Αλκοολική [Agapi Alkooliki] [English translation]
You threw away four years, all crumpled up in the corner. You said that it was all over for you So why are you asking me now where I spend my time? An...
Αγάπη Αλκοολική [Agapi Alkooliki] [English translation]
Four years screwed up in the corner You have tossed them away, you said ''it's over for me'' so what are you asking me now where does the sunrise find...
Αγάπη Αλκοολική [Agapi Alkooliki] [Italian translation]
Quattro anni schiacciati nell'angolo li hai gettati hai detto ora per me è finita allora perchè adesso mi chiedi dove mi sveglio in quali peccaminosi ...
Αγάπη Αλκοολική [Agapi Alkooliki] [Russian translation]
Ты разорвала эти четыре года и Бросила в угол, сказала «с меня хватит». Что теперь меня спрашиваешь, где я встречаю рассветы? В чьих грешных поцелуях ...
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