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Roger Waters lyrics
Each Small Candle lyrics
Not the torturer will scare me Nor the body's final fall Nor the barrels of death's rifles Nor the shadows on the wall Nor the night when to the groun...
Each Small Candle [German translation]
Ich fürchte nicht den Folterknecht Noch den allerletzten Fall des Körpers Noch den Gewehrlauf des Todes Noch die Schatten an der Wand Noch die Nacht, ...
Four Minutes lyrics
[Billy:] Four minutes and counting [Jim:] Okay... [Billy:] They pressed the button, Jim [Jim:] They pressed the button, Billy? What button? [Billy:] T...
Home lyrics
[Jim:] "Oh, God!" [Californian Weirdo:] "Sole has no eyes." Could be Jerusalem Or it could be Cairo Could be Berlin Or it could be Prague Could be Mos...
Is This the Life We Really Want? lyrics
[Intro: Donald Trump] So as an example you’re CNN. I mean it’s story, after story, after story is bad. I won. I won. And the other thing, chaos. There...
Is This the Life We Really Want? [Bosnian translation]
[Uvod: Donald Trump] Pa, kao primjer, vi ste CNN. Mislim su te beskrajne priče loše. Pobijedio sam. Pobijedio sam. A druga stvar, haos. Nema haosa. Ta...
Is This the Life We Really Want? [Greek translation]
[Εισαγωγή από δηλώσεις του Ντόναλντ Τραμπ:] Ας υποθέσουμε ότι εργάζεστε στο CNN. Στην αναγγελία της επικράτησης μου, που αποδείχθηκε, νομίζετε ότι την...
Is This the Life We Really Want? [Portuguese translation]
"Então, como exemplo, você é a CNN. E eu quero dizer, é historia atrás de história e mais histórias, isso faz mal. Eu ganhei. Eu ganhei. E outra coisa...
Is This the Life We Really Want? [Russian translation]
[Интро: Дональд Трамп] В качестве примера возьмём вас, CNN. Я думаю, все эти ваши истории за историей — бред. Я победил. Я выиграл. А всё остальное —х...
It's A Miracle lyrics
Miraculous you call it babe You ain't seen nothing yet They got Pepsi in the Andes They got McDonald's in Tibet Yosemite's been turned into A golf cou...
It's A Miracle [Finnish translation]
Ihmeelliseksi sinä kutsut sitä beibi Et ole nähnyt mitään vielä Heillä on Pepsiä Andien-vuoristolla Heillä on McDonaldeja Tiibetissä Yosemite on muute...
It's A Miracle [Hungarian translation]
Csodálatosnak hívod, bébi De még nem láttál semmit sem Van Pepsijük az Andokban Tibetben pedig McDonald’s-uk Yosemite át lett alakítva Golfpályának a ...
It's A Miracle [Persian translation]
اون رو معجره آسا بنام هنوز چیزی ندیدی آنها توی(رشته کوه های) آند پپسی دارن در تبت مک دونالد زدن یوسمیتی به یه زمین گلف واسه ژاپنی هی تبدیل شده و دریای...
It's A Miracle [Persian translation]
آن را معجزه میخوانی دلبندم تو که هنوز چیزی ندیده ای آنها توی رشته کوه های آند "پپسی" دارند در تبت "مک دونالد" زده اند یوسمیتی به یک زمین گلف برای ژاپن...
It's A Miracle [Polish translation]
Nazywasz to cudem, kochanie, a wszystkiego jeszcze nie widziałaś. W Andach mają Pepsi, a w Tybecie McDonalda, Park Yosemite zamieniono w pole golfowe ...
It's A Miracle [Turkish translation]
Mucize dedin ya güzelim Daha bir şey görmedin And dağlarında Pepsi’leri var Tibet’te McDonalds’ları Yosemite çoktan Japonlar için bir golf sahası oldu...
Late Home Tonight, Pt. I lyrics
[Verse 1] Standing at the window A farmer's wife in Oxfordshire Glances at the clock it's nearly time for tea She doesn't see The phantom in the hedge...
Late Home Tonight, Pt. II lyrics
Hark the wire service sing Clear the satellite link Check the fax machine Hold the lead story boys There's some great pictures coming in Now the pilot...
Let us break all the shields lyrics
TROUBLEMAKER Let us break all the shields And soil the ermine Take the oak and the olive tree Make their philosophy our own The pigs eat the acorns Th...
Let us break all the shields [Polish translation]
TROUBLEMAKER Let us break all the shields And soil the ermine Take the oak and the olive tree Make their philosophy our own The pigs eat the acorns Th...
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