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Yuridia lyrics
Pienso en ti lyrics
Siento un espacio en la piel, ¿que pasará? siento que nada es igual. Oigo tus pasos recorrer mi soledad, siento tu aliento que se va. Fue de repente q...
Pienso en ti [Croatian translation]
Osjećam prazninu pod svojom kožom, što će se dogoditi? Osjećam da ništa više nije isto. Čujem tvoje korake kako obilaze moju samoću Osjećam tvoj dah k...
Pienso en ti [Croatian translation]
Osjećam prazan prostor na koži, što se događa osjećam kako ništa nije isto čujem tvoje korake kako pretrčavaju moju samoću osjećam tvoj dah koji odlaz...
Pienso en ti [English translation]
I feel a space beneath my skin, what will happen? feel that nothing is the same, hear your steps walking through my loneliness, feel your breath getti...
Angels lyrics
I sit and wait Does and angel contemplate my fate And do they know The places where we go When we're grey and old 'cos I've been told That salvation l...
Angels [Croatian translation]
I sit and wait Does and angel contemplate my fate And do they know The places where we go When we're grey and old 'cos I've been told That salvation l...
Angels [French translation]
I sit and wait Does and angel contemplate my fate And do they know The places where we go When we're grey and old 'cos I've been told That salvation l...
Angels [Spanish translation]
I sit and wait Does and angel contemplate my fate And do they know The places where we go When we're grey and old 'cos I've been told That salvation l...
Respóndeme Tú lyrics
Que cuanto me querías Que mucho Que cuando acabaría Que nunca Que si me dejarías Y decías que no.. Que si me cambiarías Por nadie Que si me cuidarías ...
Respóndeme Tú [Croatian translation]
Koliko si me volio? mnogo kada će završiti? nikada Hoćeš li me ostaviti i govorio si da nećeš Bi li me zamijenila? za nikog hoćeš li me čuvati? uvijek...
From This Moment On lyrics
From this moment life has begun From this moment you are the one Right beside you is where I belong From this moment on From this moment I have been b...
From This Moment On [Croatian translation]
From this moment life has begun From this moment you are the one Right beside you is where I belong From this moment on From this moment I have been b...
From This Moment On [French translation]
From this moment life has begun From this moment you are the one Right beside you is where I belong From this moment on From this moment I have been b...
Quizás lyrics
Quizás ya nada es lo mismo quizàs ya hay alguièn a quièn amas y serìa mucho el egoìsmo de mi parte al pretender que regresaras Quizás ya se te hizo ta...
Quizás [Croatian translation]
Možda više ništa nije isto možda sada postoji netko koga voliš više i bilo bi jako sebično s moje strane pretvarati se da ćeš se vratiti Možda je sada...
En el amor no se manda lyrics
(Carlos) Ayer te vi llorar una vez mas por ese tonto que te dejo por ese idiota que te partió en dos pedazos el corazón. te quise consolar y confesart...
En el amor no se manda [Croatian translation]
Carlos: Jučer sam te još jednom vidio kako plačeš zbog toga glupana koji te ostavio zbog tog idiota koji ti je slomio srce na dva komada htio sam te u...
Nustro amor se ha vuelto ayer lyrics
Victor: Ves, te conozco no sabes fingir, Sí ya te formas parte de mí, Puedo ver lo que tus ojos callan. Yuridia: Que paso, cuando fue que la flor se s...
Nustro amor se ha vuelto ayer [Croatian translation]
Victor: vidiš, poznajem te, ne znaš glumiti već formiraš dio mene mogu vidjeti ono što prešućuju tvoje oči Yuridia: što se dogodilo, kada je cvijet uv...
Ahora entendí lyrics
Nunca pensé quererte así Obsesionada te pedía para mí No pregunté, sólo te dí lo que tenía, fue así que entendí. Que no podía hacer más que dejarte, H...
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