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Girl in Red lyrics
Dead girl in the pool [Russian translation]
[Интро] Раз, два, три, четыре [Куплет 1] Кругом пустые бутылки Народ спит на лестнице У меня что-то в волосах Не знаю даже, откуда [Распевка] Утро нас...
Dead girl in the pool [Spanish translation]
[Intro] Uno, dos, tres, cuatro [Estrofa 1] Botellas vacías por todas partes Gente durmiendo en las escaleras Tengo algo enredado en mi pelo No tengo n...
Dead girl in the pool [Swedish translation]
[Intro] En, två, tre, fyr [Vers 1] Tomma flaskor överallt Folk som sover i trappan Något har fastnat i mitt hår Ingen aning hur det kom dit [Pre-Refrä...
Dead girl in the pool [Turkish translation]
(Bir, iki, üç, dört) Boş şişeler her yerde İnsanlar merdivende uyuyor Saçıma bir şey takılmış Onun buraya nasıl geldiği hakkında hiçbir fikrim yok Bug...
Did You Come? lyrics
You should know better now To fuck it up and fuck around See yourself through my eyes You're so fake, it's all lies Was she good? Just what you liked?...
Did You Come? [Turkish translation]
Şimdi daha iyi bilmelisin Siktir etmeyi ve umursamamayı Kendini benim gözlerimle gör Sen çok sahtesin, her şeyin yalan O iyi miydi? Tam olarak neyini ...
Dramatic lil bitch lyrics
Go home Tell me that your sorry I'll be losing my sleep Waiting for your call It's so pathetic and dramatic That's the way I am Come on Tell me that y...
Dramatic lil bitch [Polish translation]
Go home Tell me that your sorry I'll be losing my sleep Waiting for your call It's so pathetic and dramatic That's the way I am Come on Tell me that y...
Dramatic lil bitch [Russian translation]
Go home Tell me that your sorry I'll be losing my sleep Waiting for your call It's so pathetic and dramatic That's the way I am Come on Tell me that y...
Dramatic lil bitch [Spanish translation]
Go home Tell me that your sorry I'll be losing my sleep Waiting for your call It's so pathetic and dramatic That's the way I am Come on Tell me that y...
Dramatic lil bitch [Turkish translation]
Go home Tell me that your sorry I'll be losing my sleep Waiting for your call It's so pathetic and dramatic That's the way I am Come on Tell me that y...
forget her lyrics
i spend all my days trying to forget her face she's so hard to erase i don't think she can be replaced she stole my heart and ran away left me with so...
forget her [Czech translation]
Trávím všechny mé dny Snahou zapomenout její obličej Ona je strašně těžká na vymazání Nemyslím si že je nahraditelná Ukradla moje srdce a utekla pryč ...
forget her [Polish translation]
spędzam całe moje dnie próbując zapomnieć jej twarzy ona jest taka trudna do wymazania nie sądzę, że można ją zastąpić skradła moje serce i uciekła zo...
forget her [Romanian translation]
in fiece zi -ncerc din gandu-mi chipul de-ai indeparta ea-i asa greu de-a fi data uitarii eu nu cred ca cineva poate-ai lua' locu ea inima mi-a cuceri...
forget her [Russian translation]
Я провожу все свои дни Пытаясь забыть её лицо Её так сложно стереть Не думаю, что она может быть заменена Она украла моё сердце И сбежала Оставила мен...
forget her [Spanish translation]
Paso todos mis días Intentando olvidar su cara Es tan difícil de borrar No creo que pueda ser replazada Me robó el corazón Y huyó Me dejó con algunas ...
forget her [Swedish translation]
Jag tillbringar all mina dagar Försöka glömma hennes ansikte Hon är så svår att sudda ut Jag tror inte att hon kan ersättas Hon stal mitt hjärta Och s...
forget her [Turkish translation]
tüm günlerimi onun yüzünü unutmakla harcadım onu silmesi çok zor onun yerine başkası geçemez o benim kalbimi çaldı ve kaçtı gitti söyleyeceklerim vark...
forget her [Ukrainian translation]
я проводжу всі свої дні намагаючись забути її обличчя вона не зникає з моїх думок її ніким не замінити вона вкрала моє серце й втекла геть я ще багато...
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