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The White Buffalo lyrics
Fantasy lyrics
Tell me that you need me now Send my doubts on out to sea Let 'em sail away and drown in their own misery Say it to me one more time Engrave it there ...
Fantasy [Turkish translation]
Bana şu an ihtiyacın olduğunu söyle Şüphelerimi denize gönder Bırak yelken açsınlar ve kendi sefaletlerinde boğulsunlar Bir kez daha söyle bana Zihnim...
From Sons Of Anarchy [Turkish translation]
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see I'm just a poo...
Guiding Light lyrics
Fumbling to find the answers Isolation choking the mind A sickness don't know When to come when to go I'm afraid that I'll just stay inside Streets ex...
Guiding Light [Turkish translation]
Cevapları bulmakta beceriksiz İzolasyon zihni boğuyor Bir hastalık, bilmiyorum Ne zaman gelmeli, ne zaman gitmeli Sadece içeride kalmaktan korkuyorum ...
Guiding Light [Turkish translation]
Aranmaktayım yanıtları bulmağa Yalňızlanış aşu beyni boğmakta Bir miğde bulantısı Haçan gelip haçan gidesin bilmeyen Korkarım yalnızca içeride kalacağ...
Hideous Heart lyrics
Transfixed on a sin It's always watching It shivers my skin I cannot shake from its sight Translucent and blue Shares never blinking Fueled by booze G...
Hideous Heart [Turkish translation]
Transfixed on a sin It's always watching It shivers my skin I cannot shake from its sight Translucent and blue Shares never blinking Fueled by booze G...
Highwayman lyrics
I was a highwayman On the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade Many a soldier shed h...
Highwayman [Turkish translation]
Ben bir eşkiyaydım Araba yollarında dolaştım Yanımda kılıç ve tabancayla... Benim ticaretimde bir çok genç kız inci boncuğunu kaybetti Bir çok asker b...
Home Is In Your Arms lyrics
Your love is a Mother fucking revelation And I'm just looking for A fill-up station To fill your heart Just a hoping it starts Your heart is a flutter...
House of pain lyrics
It's a little past supper time I'm still out on the porch steps Sitting on my behind, waiting for you Wondering if everything is all right Momma said,...
House of pain [French translation]
Il est un peu plus tard que le dîner, Je suis toujours assis sur les marches du porche. Assis sur mes fesses, t'attendant, Me demandant si tout va bie...
House of pain [Greek translation]
Είναι λίγο μετά το δείπνο Κάθομαι ακόμα στα σκαλάκια της βεράντας Με την πλάτη, περιμένοντάς σε Ανησυχώντας αν όλα είναι εντάξει Η Μαμά είπε, έλα μέσα...
House of pain [Turkish translation]
Akşam yemeğinden biraz zaman geçti Kapının önünde merdivenlerde oturuyorum Arkama yaslandım, seni bekliyorum Her şey yolunda mı diye merak ederek Anne...
House Of The Rising Sun lyrics
There is a house in Charming Town They call the Rising Sun It's been the ruin of many a poor girl And me, Oh God, I'm one If I listened to my mama Lor...
House Of The Rising Sun [Bosnian translation]
Ima jedna kuća u Charming gradu Koju zovu Svitanje Uništila je mnoge jadne djevojke I mene, Oh Bože, I ja sam jedna od njih Da sam slušala mamu Bože b...
House Of The Rising Sun [French translation]
Il y a une maison à Charming Town* Qu'ils appellent "Le soleil levant" Et c'est la ruine de beaucoup de pauvres filles Et moi, oh mon Dieu, je suis l'...
House Of The Rising Sun [Greek translation]
Υπάρχει ένα σπίτι στην πόλη του Τσάρμινγκ Το αποκάλουν ο Ανατέλλων Ήλιος Και είναι η καταστροφή για πολλά (για) ένα φτωχό κορίτσι Και εγώ, Ω Θεέ, είμα...
House Of The Rising Sun [Hungarian translation]
Van egy ház az Elbűvölő Városban A Felkelő Nap házának hívják Megannyi leány megrontója, És én, Istenem, egy vagyok. Ha hallgattam volna Anyámra Uram,...
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