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Meat Loaf featuring lyrics
Pavarotti & Friends - Nessun Dorma
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma! Tu pure, o Principessa, nella tua fredda stanza, guardi le stelle che tremano d'amore, e di speranza! Ma il mio mistero è ...
Jimmy Kimmel - I’m Fucking Ben Affleck
Jimmy Kimmel: Oh, Hi Sarah. It’s been a long time. I guess you’ve been…busy with…Matt Damon. I’ve been busy too. I’ve been thinking about us, and you ...
Eddie lyrics
[Dr. Scott:] From the day he was born He was trouble He was the thorn in his mother's side She tried in vain... [Criminologist:] But he never caused h...
Eddie [German translation]
[Dr. Scott:] From the day he was born He was trouble He was the thorn in his mother's side She tried in vain... [Criminologist:] But he never caused h...
Eddie [Portuguese translation]
[Dr. Scott:] From the day he was born He was trouble He was the thorn in his mother's side She tried in vain... [Criminologist:] But he never caused h...
Eddie [Serbian translation]
[Dr. Scott:] From the day he was born He was trouble He was the thorn in his mother's side She tried in vain... [Criminologist:] But he never caused h...
Eddie [Swedish translation]
[Dr. Scott:] From the day he was born He was trouble He was the thorn in his mother's side She tried in vain... [Criminologist:] But he never caused h...
Eddie [Turkish translation]
[Dr. Scott:] From the day he was born He was trouble He was the thorn in his mother's side She tried in vain... [Criminologist:] But he never caused h...
Hot Patootie - Bless my soul lyrics
Whatever happened to Saturday night? When you dressed up sharp and you felt all right It don´t seem the same since cosmic light Came into my life I th...
Hot Patootie - Bless my soul [German translation]
Wo sind nur die Samstagnächte hin In denen man sich schick anzog und toll gefühlt hat? Alles scheint anders, seit ein kosmisches Licht In mein Leben f...
A long ass fuckin' time ago, In a town called Kickapoo, There lived a humble family Religious through and through. But yay there was a black sheep And...
Kickapoo [Bulgarian translation]
Преди шибано много време, В един град, наречен Кикапу1 Живееше скромно семейство, Религиозно и много набожно. Но в него имаше черна овца Който знаеше ...
Kickapoo [German translation]
Vor verfickt langer langer Zeit lebte in einem Städtchen namens Kickapoo eine ärmliche Familie, durch und durch religiös. Doch, ach, es gab ein schwar...
Kickapoo [German translation]
Es wohnte einmal, verfickt saulange her, In einem kleinen Ort namens Kickapoo,1 Eine bescheidene Familie, Durchaus fromm. Doch ja!!! es gab ein schwar...
Kickapoo [Italian translation]
Un sacco di cazzo di tempo fa In un paesino di nome Kickapoo Viveva un’umile famiglia Religiosissima Ma, ehi, c’era una pecora nera E lui sapeva esatt...
Kickapoo [Serbian translation]
Pre jebeno mnogo vremena, U gradiću zvanom Kickapoo, Živela je skromna Porodica Religiozna skroz na skroz. Ali jej tu je bila Crna ovca Što je znala š...
Kickapoo [Turkish translation]
Lanet olasınca uzun bir zaman önce, Kickapoo isimli bir kasabada, Mütevazi bir aile yaşardı, Baştan sona dindarlardı. Ama oley, aralarında bir günah k...
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