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Meat Loaf also performed lyrics
Somebody loves me lyrics
Somebody loves me, I wonder who I wonder who he can be Somebody wants me, I wish I knew Who the one could be worries me For every guy who passes by I ...
Somebody loves me [French translation]
Quelqu'un m'aime, je me demande qui Je me demande qui ça peut être Quelqu'un me veut, j'aimerais je connaître Qui ça pourrait être, ça m'inquiète A ch...
Tom Waits - Martha
Operator, number, please. It's been so many years Will she remember my old voice While I fight the tears? Hello, hello there, is this Martha? This is ...
Martha [French translation]
Téléphoniste, le numéro, s'il vous plaît. Cela fait tant d'années Va-t-elle se souvenir de ma vieille voix Tandis que je combats les larmes ? Salut, s...
Martha [Greek translation]
Κέντρο; Συνδέστε με, παρακαλώ. Πολλά χρόνι' από τότε πάνε… Θα θυμηθεί άραγε τη φωνή μου, καθώς τα δάκρυά θα κυλάνε; Εμπρός; Εμπρός; Μάρθα; Ο Τομ Φροστ...
Martha [Greek translation]
Τηλεφωνητής, αριθμός, παρακαλώ.. Έχουν περάσει τόσα πολλά χρόνια. Θα θυμάται την παλιά μου φωνή, καθώς εγώ παλεύω με τα δάκρυα; Γειά, γειά, μιλώ με τη...
Martha [Italian translation]
Centralino, un numero, per favore. Sono passati così tanti anni. Riconoscerà la mia voce, mentre provo a trattenere le lacrime? Pronto? Pronto? Sei tu...
Martha [Portuguese translation]
operador, Número, por favor já faz tantos anos ela se lembrará da minha velha voz enquanto luto contra as lágrimas olá, olá, é a Martha? aqui é o velh...
Martha [Spanish translation]
Operadora, número, por favor: Han pasado tantos años Recordará ella mi vieja voz mientras trato de contener las lágrimas? Hola, qué hay, está Martha? ...
Martha [Swedish translation]
Måste vara numret här Men minns hon mig ens alls? Och känner hon igen min röst Med gråten i min hals? Ja hej, hallå där, är det Martha? Det är jag, To...
Two out of three [ain't bad] lyrics
Baby, we can talk all night But that ain't getting us nowhere I told you everything I possibly can There's nothing left inside of here And maybe you c...
Mercury Blues lyrics
Well if I had money, I'd tell you what I'd do, I go downtown buy a Mercury or two. Crazy bout a Mercury, Lord I'm crazy bout a Mercury, I'm gonna buy ...
Mercury Blues [German translation]
Na, wenn ich Geld hätte, Ich sag dir, was ich tät: Ich ginge in die Stadt und kaufte einen Mercury oder zwei. Verrückt nach einem Mercury, Gott, ich b...
Read 'em and weep lyrics
I've been tryin' for hours just to think of what exactly to say I thought I leave you with a letter or a firey speech Like when an actor makes an exit...
Read 'em and weep [Finnish translation]
Olen tuntikausia yrittänyt miettiä mitä tarkalleen sanoa Ajattelin että jättäisin sinut kirjeellä tai tulisella puheella Kuten silloin kun näyttelijä ...
Read 'em and weep [German translation]
Ich habe Stunden versucht, mir auszudenken, was ich genau sagen will Ich dachte, ich verlasse dich mit einem Brief, oder einer feurigen Rede Wie wenn ...
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