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The Strokes lyrics
Ize of the World [French translation]
Je pense savoir ce que tu sous-entends, Mais fais gaffe à ce que tu dis Car ils tenteront de t'abattre d'une quelconque façon. Il semble parfois que l...
Ize of the World [Russian translation]
Дружок, я понял тебя, Но лучше молчи, Ведь они точно найдут, Как тебя порешить Порой мне кажется, что Весь мир крепко спит И кто подскажет мне, как Их...
Ize of the World [Turkish translation]
Sanırım ne demek istediğini biliyorum, Ama sen yine de ne dediğine dikkat et: Çünkü bir şekilde seni devirmeyi deniyor olacaklar. Bazen dünya uykuya d...
Juicebox lyrics
Everybody sees me, but it's not that easy Standing in the light field, standing in the light field Waiting for some action, waiting for some action ov...
Juicebox [Turkish translation]
Herkes görüyor beni ama ışıkların altında durmak Işıkların altında durmak, bir hareket beklemek Bir hareket beklemek o kadar da kolay bir şey değil Ne...
Killing Lies lyrics
Say a prayer now Don't be scared now You don't want trouble We might get some It's troublesome But don't you worry You can help me... Killing lies, ki...
Killing Lies [French translation]
Fais ta prière maintenant N'ai plus peur Tu ne veux pas d'ennui On risque d'en avoir C'est problématique Mais ne t'inquiètes pas Tu peux m'aider... Me...
Killing Lies [Italian translation]
Dì una preghiera Non essere spaventata ora Non vuoi problemi Potremmo averne È fastidioso Ma non preoccuparti Puoi aiutarmi... Bugie mortali, bugie mo...
Killing Lies [Portuguese translation]
Reze agora Não se assuste agora Você não quer problemas Talvez tenhamos alguns É problemático Mas não se preocupe Você pode ajudar-me Matando mentiras...
Killing Lies [Spanish translation]
Reza ahora una oración No tengas miedo ahora No quieres problemas Podríamos meternos en algunos Es problemático Pero no te preocupes Me puedes ayudar....
Last Nite lyrics
Last night, she said: "Oh, baby, I feel so down. Oh it turns me off, When I feel left out" So I, I turned 'round: "Oh, baby, don't care no more I know...
Last Nite [Croatian translation]
Prošlu večer ona je rekla: "Oh dušo, tužna sam. Oh, odbija me kada se osjećam zapostavljenom" Stoga sam se ja okrenuo: "Oh dušo, nije me više briga. S...
Last Nite [French translation]
La nuit dernière, elle a dit : "Oh, bébé, je suis si déprimée Oh, je trouve ça vraiment nul Lorsque je me sens délaissée" Alors je, je me suis retourn...
Last Nite [Greek translation]
Την προηγούμενη νύχτα, είπε: "Ω, μωρό μου, αισθάνομαι τόσο πεσμένη. Ω με ξενερώνει, Όταν αισθάνομαι παραμελημένη" Οπότε, γύρισα: "Ω, μωρό μου, δε με ν...
Last Nite [Italian translation]
La scorsa notte, lei ha detto: “Oh, baby, mi sento così giù Oh, mi disgusta Quando mi sento lasciata fuori” Quindi io, mi sono girato: “Oh, baby, non ...
Last Nite [Portuguese translation]
Noite passada, ela disse: ''Ah, amor, me sinto tão pra baixo Me desanimo, Quando me sinto abandonada'' Então eu, eu me virei: ''Ah, amor, deixe de se ...
Last Nite [Spanish translation]
Anoche, dijo: “Oh, nene, estoy deprimida. Me da asco Cuando me siento excluida” Así que yo me di la vuelta: “Oh, nena, no te preocupes más Hay una cos...
Life Is Simple in the Moonlight lyrics
Animals on TV singing about some pain that they once felt There's no one I disapprove of more or root for more than myself I wanted to pretend that it...
Machu Picchu lyrics
I'm putting your patience to the test. I'm putting your body on the line, for less. Didn't you know there was a choice? It's never yours but someone e...
Machu Picchu [Croatian translation]
Iskušavam tvoje strpljenje. Stavljam tvoje tijelo na rub, za manje. Nisi li znala da postoji izbor? To nikad nije tvoj nego neki tuđi glas. Prodaješ s...
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