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Shinedown lyrics
I Own You [French translation]
Aller viens, prends place Dis-moi comment tu te sens cette semaine. Es-tu maudit ? Es-tu béni ? Est-ce que tu es toujours dans le brouillard ? Tous ce...
I'll follow you lyrics
[Verse 1:] If I could find assurance to leave you behind I know my better half would fade And all my doubt is a staircase for you Opened out of this m...
I'll follow you [Italian translation]
[Verso 1:] Se potessi trovare l'impudenza di lasciarti alle spalle So che la parte migliore di me svanirebbe E tutti i miei dubbi sono una scala, per ...
I'll follow you [Portuguese translation]
[Verso 1:] Se eu pudesse encontrar confiança pra te deixar pra trás Sei que minha melhor metade desapareceria E toda essa minha dúvida é uma escada pr...
I'll follow you [Russian translation]
Куплет 1: Если-бы я смог найти в себе силы и оставить тебя позади, Я знаю, моя лучшая половина бы отмерла. И все мои сомнения - это лестница к тебе, О...
I'm Alive lyrics
I'm alive! (alive) So you were six feet underneath me I felt a pulse I swear you moved And digging deep deep down I recognized how much you had to los...
I'm Not Alright lyrics
All dressed up In a white straitjacket Shut your mouth No, you can't have it Paper airplanes Open window Here today And gone tomorrow I like to stare ...
I'm Not Alright [German translation]
Völlig herausgeputzt In einer weißen Zwangsjacke Halt den Mund Nein, die kriegst du nicht Papierflieger Offenes Fenster Heute hier Und morgen fort Ich...
If you only knew lyrics
If you only knew I'm hanging by a thread, the web I spin for you If you only knew I'd sacrifice my beating heart before I lose you I still hold onto t...
If you only knew [Finnish translation]
Jos vain tietäisit Roikun langan päässä, verkossa jota punon sinua varten Jos vain tietäisit Uhraisin sykkivän sydämeni ennen kuin menetän sinut Pidän...
If you only knew [French translation]
Si seulement tu savaisque ma vie Ne tient qu'à un fil, la toile que je tisse pour toi Si seulement tu savais que je sacrifierais Le battement de mon c...
If you only knew [German translation]
Wenn du nur wüsstest ich hänge am seidenen Faden, das Netz das ich für dich webe Wenn du nur wüsstest Bevor ich dich verliere würde ich mein schlagend...
If you only knew [Greek translation]
Αν ήξερες Κρατιέμαι από μια κλωστή, τον ιστό που υφαίνω για σένα Αν ήξερες Πριν σε χάσω, θα θυσίαζα την καρδιά μου καθώς χτυπάει Ακόμα βασίζομαι στα γ...
If you only knew [Hungarian translation]
Bárcsak tudnád Egy cérnaszálon függök, a háló, amit neked szövök Bárcsak tudnád Feláldoznám a dobogó szívemet, mielőtt elveszítenélek Még mindig őrzöm...
If you only knew [Italian translation]
Se solo tu sapessi che sono appeso a un filo della tela che tesso per te. Se solo tu sapessi che sacrificherei il mio cuore pulsante prima di perdere ...
If you only knew [Italian translation]
Se solo sapessi Sono appeso a un filo, sto filando la ragnatela per te Se solo sapessi Sacrificherei il mio cuore pulsante prima di perderti Trattengo...
If you only knew [Serbian translation]
Kada bi samo znala Visim o koncu, mreži koju sam ispleo za tebe Kada bi samo znala Žrtvovao bih svoje srce koje kuca pre nego što bih te izgubio Još u...
If you only knew [Spanish translation]
Si tan sólo supieras que estoy colgando de un hilo,la telaraña que giro por ti Si tan sólo supieras Sacrificaría mi corazón latiendo antes de perderte...
In Memory lyrics
Some of the ugliest things took the longest time to make And some of the easiest habits are the hardest one's to break And I'm not asking for value no...
In Memory [French translation]
certaines des choses les plus laides ont pris le plus de temps à être faites et certaines des habitudes les plus simples sont les plus dures à arrêter...
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