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Vampire Weekend lyrics
Diane Young lyrics
You torched a Saab like a pile of leaves I’d gone to find some better wheels 4, 5 meters running round the bend When the government agents surround yo...
Diane Young [Greek translation]
Πυρπόλησες ένα Σάαμπ σαν ένα σωρό από φύλλα Είχα πάει να βρω κάποιο καλύτερο αμάξι 4, 5 μέτρα τρέχοντας τρελαμένος Όταν οι πράκτορες της κυβέρνησης σε...
Diane Young [Spanish translation]
Encendiste un Saab como pila de hojas Yo me había ido para encontrar un mejor vehículo 4, 5 metros corriendo dando la vuelta a la acera Cuando los age...
Diplomat's Son lyrics
It’s not right but it’s now or never And if I wait could I ever forgive myself? On a night when the moon glows yellow in the riptide With the light fr...
Diplomat's Son [German translation]
Es ist nicht richtig, aber es ist jetzt oder nie Und wenn ich warten würde, könnte ich mir dann je vergeben? In einer Nacht, in der der Mond gelb in d...
Diplomat's Son [Portuguese translation]
Não é certo mas é agora ou nunca E se eu esperar será que eu jamais conseguiria me perdoar? Em uma noite quando a lua brilha amarela na correnteza Com...
Diplomat's Son [Turkish translation]
Bu doğru değil ama ya şimdi ya hiç Ve eğer beklersem kendimi affedebilir miyim? Gelgitte ayın sarı bir şekilde parladığı bir akşam Evdeki cızırtılı te...
Don't Lie lyrics
[Verse 1:] One look sent knees to the ground, Young bloods can't be settling down Young hearts need the pressure to pound, So hold me close my baby [P...
Everlasting Arms lyrics
I took your counsel and came to ruin Leave me to myself, leave me to myself I took your counsel and came to ruin Leave me to myself, leave me to mysel...
Finger Back lyrics
Bend my finger back (snap) Wrap it in a paper towel Break a twig in half and set it straight Hit me with a wood bat Hit me with a canister that's fire...
Flower Moon lyrics
Flower moon cursed the night If the sun don't make things right Then it's gonna take a year Gonna take a year Flower moon, sacred sign Coca-Cola and r...
Giant lyrics
[Verse 1:] It was all a dream I used to read Thrasher Magazine, looking at pictures of skateboarders California So envy me, S.O.S. L.A.P.D. Docking th...
Giving Up The Gun lyrics
Your sword’s grown old and rusty Burnt beneath the rising sun It’s locked up like a trophy Forgetting all the things it’s done And though it’s been a ...
Giving Up The Gun [Greek translation]
Το σπαθί σου γέρασε και σκούριασε Κάηκε κάτω από τον ανατέλλων ήλιο Είναι κλειδωμένο σαν ένα τρόπαιο Ξεχνώντας όλα τα πράγματα που έχει κάνει Και παρό...
Giving Up The Gun [Russian translation]
Твой мечстал старым и ржавым, Заржавел под возвышавшимся солнцем. Он заперт как трофей, Забыто все то, что он проделал. Хотя прошло много времени, Ты ...
Giving Up The Gun [Spanish translation]
Tu espada ha crecido vieja e oxidado Quemada debajo del sol naciente Encerrado como un trofeo Olvidado todas las cosas que ha hecho Aunque ha sido un ...
Giving Up The Gun [Turkish translation]
Kılıcın yaşlı ve paslı Yükselen güneşin altında yanmış Bir ganimet gibi kilitlenmiş Yaptığı her şeyi unutmak Ve uzun zaman geçmesine rağmen Tam olarak...
Hannah Hunt lyrics
A gardener told me some plants move, but I could not believe it Til me and Hannah Hunt saw crawling vines and weeping willows As we made our way from ...
Hannah Hunt [Portuguese translation]
Um jardineiro me falou que algumas plantas se movem, mas eu não pude acreditar Até que eu e Hannah Hunt vimos vinhas rastejando e salgueiros chorões E...
Hannah Hunt [Serbian translation]
Baštovan mi je rekao da se neke biljke kreću, ali nisam mogao u to da verujem Dok Hana Hant i ja nismo ugledali puzavice i žalosne vrbe Dok smo razabi...
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