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Sophie Hunger lyrics
Marketplace lyrics
She's so ugly Her head has grown too big In spite of all that you have said You must hang her now, boy You must hang her now She's so ugly Her head ha...
Monday's Ghost lyrics
In your distant city lights I tried to read your time at night I tried to find your roof your floor The corners of your mind, the four And I'll return...
Mr. Porter's Wedding lyrics
It's been a while now It's been a drag It's been a whole lotta nothing It's been very very very very bad It's been a lifetime It's been a rag It's bee...
My Oh My lyrics
You're surfing the tide I'm waving from the inside You're standing outside With me, for me, among them This red heart is aching Whenever you leave The...
My Oh My [Polish translation]
You're surfing the tide I'm waving from the inside You're standing outside With me, for me, among them This red heart is aching Whenever you leave The...
Nashville lyrics
My lover's in the field Swinging his shield Fighting the windmills That disappear. My lover's on a mission Singing in prison For the lonely ones The o...
Rise and Fall lyrics
Burning countryside Mountains being climbed We shift and turn and swear and yearn And try try and try A general collision With all that stands as such...
Rote Beeten aus Arsen lyrics
Deutsche Frau, du bist ganz genau Wenn du deinen Käfig misst Deutsche Frau du - du bleibst dir treu Selbst wenn es deine Seele frisst Deutsche Frau, i...
Rote Beeten aus Arsen [English translation]
German woman, you are very precise When you measure your cage German woman you - you remain true to yourself Even if it eats your soul German woman, I...
Round and round lyrics
In the backyard you said: "Let's have a family" In the front yard you note: "Oh, don't you wait for me" In the papers you saw: "I'm free as free can b...
Sad Fisherman lyrics
Today has more than this hour And the months they have more than tonight The before and the after The clapping, the laughter One hell full of silence ...
Sad Fisherman [German translation]
Der heutige Tag hat mehr als nur diese Stunde Und die Monate haben mehr als nur diese Nacht Das Bevor und das Danach Der Applaus, das Gelächter Eine H...
Sad Fisherman [Polish translation]
Dzisiaj ma więcej niż tę godzinę A miesiące mają więcej niż dzisiejszą noc To, co było i to, co będzie Oklaski i śmiech Jedno piekło pełne ciszy i cza...
Shape lyrics
They said: "Lady or gentleman You're either or It's morning, it's evening It's once or it's more" What's that name? Eh. what's that name? What's my na...
Shape [German translation]
Man sagt doch: "Frau oder Herr Du bist doch entweder das eine oder Es ist Morgen, es ist Abend Einmal oder mehrmals" Welcher Name? Äh. Welcher Name? W...
Sophie Hunger Blues lyrics
My brother is a farmer so you ask him what to do The rain's about to harm you, "build a fence" he says to you So you build a fence and wonder why you'...
Sophie Hunger Blues [German translation]
Mein Bruder ist ein Bauer, du fragst ihn um einen Rat Der Regen macht dich fertig, "bau ein' Zaun" ist, was er dazu sagt Du baust den Zaun und fragst ...
Souldier lyrics
You broke the sky The sky is broken Now you're home forever You broke the floor The floor won't brake your pacing Silent fever They let you go But it ...
Spaghetti mit Spinat lyrics
du hast gut Lachen denn du bist wunderschön du musst nie irgendwas spezielles machen außer rauchend in der Ecke stehen du bist wie ein Versprechen nac...
Spaghetti mit Spinat [English translation]
You have a good time Because you're handsome You never have to do anything special You can just stand in the corner smoking You are like a promise To ...
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