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Lacuna Coil lyrics
In Visible Light lyrics
How can time still drain Every little beat of my heart? In my time of need I want to destroy anything you are [Refrain:] Grief is the light (Grief is ...
Infection lyrics
(It's coming down) I'm in your blood and like a poison in your veins In small amounts I'm killing you slowly (Tell me why) You cannot face me when I'm...
Infection [Spanish translation]
(Viene para abajo) Estoy en tu sangre como veneno en tus venas En pequeñas cantidades te estoy matando lentamente (Dime por qué) No puedes enfrentarme...
Intoxicated lyrics
Lie! Lie! Broken mirror Seven years of stolen luck I try to fix you one more time but I must let it die The dream that we'd survive, cut my throat if ...
Intoxicated [Spanish translation]
Mentira! Mentira! Espejo roto Siete años de suerte robada Trato de componerte una vez más, pero tengo que dejarlo morir El sueño en que sobrevivimos, ...
Kill The Light lyrics
Hold me Teach me Tell me what to do But I'm not looking for a guide I can't stand the light of the day outside Feeling so cold inside your shadow Watc...
Kill The Light [Greek translation]
Κράτα με Δίδαξε με Πες μου τι να κάνω Αλλά δε κοιτάω για οδηγό Δε μπορώ να αντέξω το φως τις μέρα έξω Νιώθω τόσο κρύα μέσα στη σκιά σου Κοίτα με όταν ...
Layers Of Time lyrics
Layers of time Layers of time I  live the life I left behind A story born of scars and strifes My heart is blind and frozen I'm  among snakes, I'm wel...
Layers Of Time [German translation]
Schichten der Zeit Schichten der Zeit Ich lebe das Leben welches ich hinter mir lies Eine Geschichte geboren aus Narben und Konflikten Mein Herz sieht...
Layers Of Time [Russian translation]
Слои времени Слои времени Я живу жизнью, которую оставил позади, История, рождённая шрамами и раздорами, Моё сердце слепо и холодно, Я среди змей, я х...
Layers Of Time [Spanish translation]
Capas de tiempo, capas de tiempo. Vivo la vida que deje atrás, una historia nacida de cicatrices y luchas. Mi corazón esta ciego y paralizado, estoy e...
Leaving Alone lyrics
Here today I think I must have changed my mind As I'm looking at things from a different side I get up and fight off the guilt last night Pushing back...
Live to Tell lyrics
I have a tale to tell Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well I was not ready for the fall Too blind to see the writing on the wall Too blind to see...
Live to Tell [Spanish translation]
Tengo un cuento que contar, a veces es difícil esconderlo bien, no estaba listo para caer, tan ciego para ver lo que estaba escrito en la pared, tan c...
Lost Lullaby lyrics
Simple as I am The lies around Are convincing me there's nothing right there Outside only breeze Cold that rescues me The wound in here Is reminding m...
Lost Lullaby [Tongan translation]
Ngofua 'o hange ko au Ko e ngaahi loi holo heni 'Oku fakapule'i ia 'ia au he 'ikai ha me'a heni 'oku tonu Havilivili pe 'i tu'a ni Ko e momoko 'oku fa...
My Demons lyrics
And I don't know what to say I'm thinking about you It's hurting without you I never learn from my mistakes I feel fucked up today My demons cursing m...
My Demons [German translation]
Ich weiß nicht was ich sagen soll Ich denke an dich Es schmerzt ohne dich Ich lerne nie aus meinen Fehlern Ich fühle mich heute scheiße Meine Demonen ...
My Demons [Russian translation]
[Cristina:] И я не знаю, что сказать. Я думаю о тебе, Без тебя невыносимо больно. Я никогда не училась на своих ошибках. [Andrea:] Я чувствую, что обл...
My Spirit lyrics
Forget the pain and all the games we play Forget the worry and the shame I don't want no more The gates of hell are waiting, Let them wait a little mo...
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