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Lacuna Coil lyrics
Humane [Turkish translation]
Çekip gidiyorsun, nereye gittiğini bilmeden. Tek başına yürüyorsun. Uzlaşmak, bu sadece başka bir çelişki. Yalnız değilsin. Orada bir yer var kaçtığın...
Hyperfast lyrics
A storm is brewing here right by my side I've tried all sorts of disguise And hope he cannot do wrong within my sight Blood is flowing as ocean When I...
I Burn In You lyrics
Slowly fading Burnt like fire in a pyre Life will disappear with you And now all I hear is silence Somehow All I wish for faded in the dark [Refrain:]...
I Don't Believe In Tomorrow lyrics
The smile on my face is burning I cannot keep it on long enough I want to hide myself from something that's bigger than me That I cannot control I wan...
I Don't Believe In Tomorrow [Spanish translation]
La sonrisa en mi cara está ardiendo no puedo mantenerlo por mucho tiempo quiero esconderme de algo más grande que yo (algo) que no puedo controlar. Qu...
I Forgive [But I Won't Forget Your Name] lyrics
You know I've been hurt before But you didn't really care Had enough of empty words I'm not here to stay. I cannot deal with you anymore Once again yo...
I Forgive [But I Won't Forget Your Name] [Arabic translation]
أنت تعلم أني جرحت من قبل ولكنك لم تهتم حقا أكتفيت من الكلام الفارغ لست هنا لأبقى .. لا يمكنني أن أتعامل معك بعد الأن مرة أخرى لقد تعديت حدودك ولقد أهن...
I Forgive [But I Won't Forget Your Name] [French translation]
Tu sais que j'ai été blessé déjà Mais tu t'en fichais J'ai eu assez de mots vides Je ne suis pas ici pour rester. Je ne peux plus avoir affaire à toi ...
I Forgive [But I Won't Forget Your Name] [Italian translation]
Sai che sono stata ferita in precedenza Ma non ti importava realmente Ne ho avuto abbastanza di parole vuote Non sono qui per restare. Non posso più a...
I Forgive [But I Won't Forget Your Name] [Spanish translation]
Tu sabes que ya he sido lastimada, Pero realmente no te importo, He tenido suficiente de palabras vacías, No permaneceré aquí. No puedo mas contigo, N...
I Forgive [But I Won't Forget Your Name] [Turkish translation]
Biliyorsun daha önceden incinmiştim Ama cidden önemsemedin Boş kelimelerden bıktım artık Burada kalmayacağım Senle artık daha fazla uğraşamam Bir kez ...
I Like It lyrics
Everything is different today I like it - Like it I feel very different today I like it - Like it I'm not gonna be in your parade ‘Cause I don't like ...
I Like It [Greek translation]
Όλα είναι διαφορετικά σήμερα Μ'αρέσει - μ'αρέσει Νιώθω πολύ διαφορετικά σήμερα Μ'αρέσει - μ'αρέσει Δεν θα είμαι μέρος των σχεδίων σου, επειδή δεν μου ...
I Like It [Spanish translation]
Hoy todo es diferente, me gusta - gusta, hoy me siento muy diferente, me gusta - gusta. No voy a estar en tu desfile, porque no me gusta, piensas que ...
I Like It [Turkish translation]
Her şey değişik bugün Bunu seviyorum, seviyorum Bugün çok farklı hissediyorum Bunu sevdim, sevdim bunu Senin oyununa gelmeyeceğim Çünkü bunu sevmedim ...
I Won't Tell You lyrics
I cannot tell you- you're falling apart. Open your eyes if you wanna survive. I want to tell you- your love is a lie. But I won't tell you, I won't te...
I Won't Tell You [Italian translation]
Non posso dirti che stai cadendo a pezzi. Apri gli occhi se vuoi sopravvivere. Voglio dirti che il tuo amore è una bugia. Ma non te lo dirò, non te lo...
I Won't Tell You [Turkish translation]
Sana söyleyemem dağılmakta olduğunu. Aç gözlerini eğer hayatta kalmak istiyorsan. Sana söylemek isterdim aşkının bir yalan olduğunu. Ama söylemeyeceği...
I'm Not Afraid lyrics
Watch your back Because I am coming closer Shivers down your spine You were not expecting me How does it feel to be faced in your territory? Are you a...
In The End I Feel Alive lyrics
Silence in the room But I still hear your voice I’ve been awake all night My heart is aching for you Blinded by the light I cannot see the answers Her...
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