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Lacuna Coil lyrics
Claustrophobia [French translation]
Haine claustrophobe Déclenche une réaction en chaîne Si elle ne te tue pas Si l'amour est la réponse Pourquoi la haine se sent-elle si bon? Je m'en fo...
Claustrophobia [Spanish translation]
Odio claustrofóbico, empieza una reacción en cadena, si es que no te mata. Si el amor es la respuesta, ¿por qué se siente tan buen odiar? ya no me imp...
Closer lyrics
Want to get closer, in too deep Where there is something I wish for I’ll go through Want to get closer into you No hell to discover I’ve got it all in...
Closer [Croatian translation]
Želim prići bliže, preduboko Kada postoji nešto što poželim ići ću sve do kraja Želim da priđem bliže unutar tebe Ne da bih pronašla pakao Ja ga već v...
Closer [Serbian translation]
Zelim da pridjem blize,preduboko Kada postoji nesto sto pozelim ici cu sve do kraja Zelim da pridjem blize unutar tebe Ne da bih pronasla pakao Ja ga ...
Closer [Turkish translation]
daha da yakınlaşmak istiyorum, çok derine devam etmek için dilediğim şeylerin olduğu yere içine daha da yakınlaşmak istiyorum bulacağım bir cehennem y...
Cold lyrics
Skin so cold I knew you'd go away and now I put you down to lay. Nothing to feel for you . This was our last dance. Closer and closer, it's time to su...
Cold [Turkish translation]
Tenin çok soğuk, gideceğini biliyordum ve şimdi seni yere yatırıyorum. Hiçbir şey hissetmiyorum sana karşı. Bu son dansımızdı. Gittikçe yaklaşıyor, te...
Cold heritage lyrics
Don't tell me why I'm so near to commit a crime When I stay alone here in front of you (I'm here) Illusion falls when you're not honest about the way ...
Cold heritage [Arabic translation]
لا تخبرني لماذا أنا على وشك إرتكاب جريمة عندما أبقى هنا وحيدة أمامك أنا هنا الأوهام تنهال عندما لا تكون صادقا حيال ما أشعر أعرف أنني أحتاج صوتك فقط أح...
Cold heritage [Russian translation]
Не вопрошай почему Я готова к совершению преступления, Когда я стою здесь одна, прямо перед тобой. (Я здесь) Иллюзии спадают, когда ты нечестен насчёт...
Cold heritage [Spanish translation]
No me digas por qué Estoy tan cerca de cometer un crimen Cuando me quedo sola aquí delante de ti (Estoy aquí) La ilusión se cae cuando no eres honesto...
Comalies lyrics
Parlami Il tuo silenzio guarda dentro Non resisterò E' un attimo, Nel tuo vuoto Sento che io non ce la farò Walk on by You walk on by Walk on by Wonde...
Cybersleep lyrics
As the time and space are moving Another gate is closing Here I feel safe And I don't want to go back to my world Cybersleep feels so real Memory cut ...
Dark Adrenaline lyrics
You can run, I will reach you Oh, when darkness calls, I escape This dream has taken me so far away I feel my pulse race as I come into you You can ru...
Dark Adrenaline [Finnish translation]
Voit juosta, tavoitan sinut Oi, kun pimeys kutsuu, pakenen Tämä uni on vienyt minut niin kauas Tunnen pulssini hakkaavan kun tulen sinuun Voit juosta,...
Dark Adrenaline [Portuguese translation]
Podes correr, te alcançarei Oh, quando a escuridão chama, eu fujo Este sonho me levou tão longe Sinto meu pulso aumentar quando venho em ti Podes corr...
Dark Adrenaline [Russian translation]
Можешь бежать, я все равно тебя достану О, когда зовет темнота, я бегу Эта мечта унесла меня так далеко Я чувствую, как пульс колотится, когда я вхожу...
Dark Adrenaline [Slovenian translation]
Moreš teči, te dosežem Oh, kdaj tema kliče, uhajam Ti sanje vzeli so me daleč proč Čutim, da moj utrip divja, kdaj pridem v tebe Moreš teči, te doseže...
Dark Adrenaline [Spanish translation]
Puedes correr, te alcanzaré Oh, cuando la obscuridad llama, yo me escapo Este sueño ha me llevado tan lejos Siento que mi pulso late a ritmo acelerado...
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