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Lacuna Coil lyrics
Apocalypse lyrics
While you pray We don't care While you pray Apocalypse It's going down This time And I'm surprisingly alive We've been condemned again Guilty of our i...
Apocalypse [German translation]
Während du betest Ist es uns egal Während du betest Die Offenbarung des Johannes Geht auf uns in diesem Augenblick herab Und ich bin erstaunlicher Wei...
Black Anima lyrics
The calm before the storm Clouds are moving in anticipation I'm longing for the rain to wash it all away Slowly I am losing control What's on the othe...
Black Anima [German translation]
Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm Wolken bewegen sich erwartungsvoll Ich sehne mich nach dem Regen der alles hinfort wäscht Langsam verliere ich den Verstand1 Wa...
Black Dried Up Heart lyrics
I choke, suffocate I  don't want to live like this There's  no air left to breathe There's no fight left in me A return to the past Is  it all you can...
Black Dried Up Heart [German translation]
Ich würge, ersticke Ich will so nicht leben Da ist keine Luft zum Atmen mehr Da ist kein innerer Kampf mehr Eine Rückkehr in die Vergangenheit Ist das...
Black Feathers lyrics
I want to know What's  inside I  cut her open She doesn't bleed out Like a river She  has run dry I  try to grab her She turns away She  turns away I ...
Black Feathers [German translation]
Ich will wissen Was darin ist Ich schneide sie auf Sie blutet nicht aus, Gleich einem Fluß der fliest Sie lief lehr Ich versuche sie zu packen Sie dre...
Bleed The Pain lyrics
Now don't look away when you speak to me I wish you'd care the way I still do But you don't feel anymore All my wishes gone away From my eyes, lies Fr...
Blood, Tears, Dust lyrics
Do you remember my friend When I was frozen and dead inside A piece of nothing in this world Till I heard she said Three nights of hell Immortality sp...
Blood, Tears, Dust [Bulgarian translation]
Помниш ли, приятелю мой, Когато бях вкочанен и мъртъв вътрешно? Частица от нищото в този свят, Докато не я чух да казва: Три адски нощи Магия за безсм...
Blood, Tears, Dust [French translation]
Te souviens-tu, mon ami, Lorsque j'étais glacée et morte à l'intérieur? Un fragment de rien du tout en ce monde, Jusqu'à ce que je l'entende dire... '...
Blood, Tears, Dust [Polish translation]
Czy pamiętasz mój przyjacielu Gdy byłam zimna i martwa w środku? Kawałek niczego na tym świecie Dopóki usłyszałam że powiedziała Trzy noce piekła Nieś...
Blood, Tears, Dust [Russian translation]
Помнишь, друг мой, Время, когда внутри я была холодна и мертва, Ничтожной частичкой в этом мире, Пока я не услышала её слова В течение трёх адских ноч...
Blood, Tears, Dust [Spanish translation]
¿Recuerdas, amigo mio cuando estaba frio y muerto por dentro? un pedazo de nada en este mundo, hasta que la oí decir: Tres noches de infierno, un hech...
Breakdown lyrics
Shutting down my mind No more hurting From everything insane Use every word to blame Makes a deeper cut inside Sensory overload Makes me want to screa...
Broken Things lyrics
Now sunk in the horizon We'll watch the hours go by Fall and then arise again I hear the darkness breathe Sunk into the horizon We'll watch the hours ...
Circle lyrics
What is it for? What is sacred in my circle of regrets Circle of regrets Today I'm drawing circles In my memory In the pages of my life That's me for ...
Claustrophobia lyrics
Claustrophobic hate Starts a chain reaction If it doesn't kill you If love is the answer Why does it feel so good to hate? I don't give a damn about h...
Claustrophobia [Dutch translation]
Claustrofobische afkeer brengt een kettingreaktie op gang als het jou al niet ombrengt Als liefde het antwoord is Waarom voelt het zo fijn om afkerig ...
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