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The Alan Parsons Project lyrics
Freudiana [Russian translation]
I was alone in my room feeling sorry for myself. Call me a prophet of doom, I could think of nothing else. I found a freudian book gathering dust upon...
Games People Play lyrics
Where do we go from here now that All other children are growin' up And how do we spend our lives If there's no-one to lend us a hand? I don't wanna l...
Games People Play [French translation]
Où allons-nous maintenant que Tous les autres enfants grandissent Et comment vivons-nous nos vies S'il n' y a personne pour nous aider? Je ne veux plu...
Games People Play [German translation]
Was stellen wir jetzt an, Nun da alle anderen Kinder groß werden? Und wie sollen wir leben, Wenn niemand da ist, der uns hilft? Ich will hier nicht me...
Games People Play [Italian translation]
Dove andiamo da qui, ora che Tutti gli altri bambini crescono? E come viviamo le nostre vite Se non c'è nessuno che ci dia una mano? Non voglio più vi...
Games People Play [Russian translation]
Куда мы пойдем отсюда теперь, когда Все остальные дети растут? И как мы будем жить, Если нам никто не протянет руку помощи? Я больше не хочу здесь жит...
Games People Play [Spanish translation]
¿A dónde vamos a partir de aquí Ahora que los niños están creciendo?, ¿Cómo pasaremos nuestras vidas Si no hay nadie que nos ayude? No quiero vivir má...
Games People Play [Ukrainian translation]
Куди ми підемо тепер, коли Всі інші діти стали дорослими І як ми проживемо життя Коли ніхто нам не простягне руки? Я не хочу більше жити тут Не хочу т...
I Am a Mirror lyrics
Suppose I were to tell you that the meaning of dreams is not all that it seems and the ultimate truth is a lie. And you are just a puppet who can danc...
I Am a Mirror [Dutch translation]
Stel 's dat ik jou zou vertellen dat de betekenis van dromen niet alles is wat het lijkt / en dat de uiteindelijke waarheid een leugen is. En dat jij ...
I Am a Mirror [Polish translation]
Przypuśćmy, że miałbym ci powiedzieć, że senne marzenia nie znaczą tego, co nam wszystkim się zdaje, a Prawda Ostateczna jest kłamstwem, zaś ty jesteś...
I Am a Mirror [Russian translation]
Предположим, я скажу тебе, что значение снов не такое, как кажется, И что самая правдивая правда – это ложь И ты – это лишь марионетка, которую дергаю...
I Am a Mirror [Turkish translation]
Sanırım sana rüyalarımın anlamının göründüğü gibi olmadığını ve esas gerçeğin bir yalan olduğunu söyleyecektim. Ve sen sadece ipte yürüyebilen bir kuk...
I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You lyrics
If I had a mind to I wouldn't want to think like you And if I had time to I wouldn't want to talk to you I don't care What you do I wouldn't want to b...
I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You [Catalan translation]
Si tingués una ment per fer-ho No voldria pensar com tu I si tingués el temps per fer-ho No voldria parlar amb tu M'és igual El que facis No voldria s...
I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You [Galician translation]
Se tivese mente para pensar Non querería pensar coma ti E se tivese tempo para falar Non querería falar contigo Tanto me ten O que fagas Non querería ...
I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You [Italian translation]
Se ne avessi la mente Non vorrei pensare come te Se ne avessi il tempo Non vorrei parlarti Non m'importa Cosa fai Non vorrei essere come te Se fossi d...
I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You [Portuguese translation]
Se eu tivesse uma mente Eu não iria querer pensar como você E se eu tivesse tempo Eu não iria querer falar com você Eu não ligo Para o que você faz Eu...
I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You [Russian translation]
Если бы мой ум и мог, я бы не хотел думать как ты И если бы у меня и было время Я не хотел бы говорить с тобой Мне все равно Что ты делаешь Я не хотел...
I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You [Spanish translation]
Si tuviera un pensamiento No quisiera pensar como tú Y si tuviera tiempo No quisiera hablar contigo No importa Lo que hagas No quisiera ser como tú Si...
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