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Gorod 312 lyrics
Обернись [Obernis'] [Bulgarian translation]
Шумни улици, тесни градове, Въздух изпълнен с дим. небето ще се овъгли, скриват се в нищото, Хората пробягващи край теб. Ти няма да чуеш вик за помощ ...
Обернись [Obernis'] [English translation]
Streets are noisy, cities are close and small, Smoke is spread in the air. Skies will become coal-dark, all the people will fade Hiding themselves now...
Обернись [Obernis'] [English translation]
Noisy streets, small towns. The air charged with smoke. The sky will become charred, the people running past Will hide nowhere. You won't hear any cry...
Обернись [Obernis'] [Portuguese translation]
Ruas barulhentas, cidades apertadas. O ar está carregado de fumaça O céu irá se queimar, se esconderão em lugar nenhum As pessoas que correm. Você não...
Обернись [Obernis'] [Spanish translation]
Calles ruidosas, ciudades pequeñas El aire cargado de humo El cielo se volverá carbonizado, la gente corre rápidamente Escondiendosé a donde sea. No v...
Обернись [Obernis'] [Transliteration]
Shumniye ulitsy, tesniye goroda Vozdukh zaryazhenniy dymom, Nebo obuglitsya, skoroyutsya v nikuda Lyudi beguschie mimo. Ty uslyshish' krika o pomoschi...
Обернись [Obernis'] [Turkish translation]
Gürültülü sokaklar, dar şehirler Dumanla coşan hava Gökyüzü köşeleniyor, bir yere saklanacak Yanında giden insanlar Sen benim yardım haykırımı duymazs...
Осень [Osen'] lyrics
Осень ворвалась безумными ветрами, Холодными днями, бессонными ночами, Жёлтыми листьями, странными мыслями В поисках истины вопросы как выстрелы. Меня...
Осень [Osen'] [English translation]
Autumn burst in with insane winds, With cold days and sleepless nights, With yellow leaves and strange thoughts In search of truth, the answers like a...
Осень [Osen'] [Portuguese translation]
O outono irrompeu em ventos revoltos*, em dias frios, noites insones, em folhas amarelas, pensamento estranhos À procura de verdade as perguntas são c...
Осень [Osen'] [Transliteration]
Osen' vorvalas' bezumnymi vetrami, Kholodnymi dnyami, bessonnymi nochami, Zhyoltymi list'yami, strannymi myslyami V poiskakh istiny voprosy kak vystre...
Останусь [Ostanus'] lyrics
В конце туннеля яркий свет слепой звезды, Подошвы на сухой листве оставят следы, Ещё под кожей бьётся пульс и надо жить, Я больше может не вернусь, а ...
Останусь [Ostanus'] [Bulgarian translation]
В края на тунела ярко свети сляпа звезда, Стъпките ми оставят следи върху сухите листа Все още под кожата ми бие пулс , и трябва да живея Може вече да...
Останусь [Ostanus'] [English translation]
There is a bright light of the blind star in the end of the tunnel, The soles will leave footprints on the dead foliage, My pulse still beats under my...
Останусь [Ostanus'] [English translation]
There's bright light of a blind star at the end of the tunnel, the soles will leave their traces on the dry foliage. There's pulse still beating benea...
Останусь [Ostanus'] [English translation]
In the end of tunnel is bright light of blind star Soles leave footprints on dead leaves Under skin pulse is beating still and have to live Maybe I wo...
Останусь [Ostanus'] [French translation]
Au bout du tunnel il y a la vive lumière d'une étoile aveugle, Mes semelles laissent des traces sur les feuilles mortes, Mon pouls bât encore sous ma ...
Останусь [Ostanus'] [German translation]
Am Ende des Tunnels ist das helle Licht des blinden Sterns, Sohlen lassen die Spuren auf trockenem Laub hinter, Unter der Haut schlägt der Puls noch u...
Останусь [Ostanus'] [Greek translation]
Στο τέλος του τούνελ είναι ένα έντονο φως από αστέρια που τυφλώνουν, Οι πατούσες αφήνουν ίχνη στα νεκρά φύλλα, Κάτω από το δέρμα ακόμη χτυπάει ο σφυγμ...
Останусь [Ostanus'] [Hebrew translation]
בקצה המנהרה זוהר האור של כוכב עיוור הסוליות על עלים יבשים ישאירו עקבות עדיין יש דופק מתחת לעור וצריך לחיות יכול להיות שלא אחזור יותר... או אולי, אשאר ...
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