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Bea Miller lyrics
bored lyrics
[Verse 1] I've never been the type Who needs someone to blow their mind To climb my tower To bring me flowers But if you wanna wake me up With some co...
bored [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Je n'ai jamais été le genre À avoir besoin de quelqu'un pour les exploser Pour grimper en haut de mes tours Pour m'apporter des fleurs Mai...
bored [Russian translation]
[Куплет 1] Я никогда не была такой, Кого надо свести с ума, Взобраться по моей башне, Приносить цветы. Но если ты разбудишь меня С чашечкой кофе И буд...
bored [Serbian translation]
Nikada nisam bila takav tip Tebi treba neko da ih oduva Da osvojis moju tvrdjavu Da mi doneses cvece Ali ako zelis da me probudis Sa nekom kafom i sol...
bored [Turkish translation]
[Verse 1] Asla o tip olmadım Şaşırtmak için birine ihtiyaç duyan Kuleme tırmanmak için Bana çiçekler getirmek için Ama beni uyandırmak istersen Biraz ...
Brand New Eyes lyrics
When I'm looking at myself I see a thousand perspectives of me Everyone is letting me show A side of myself I can't see I'm wide awake now, I'm free o...
Brand New Eyes [Arabic translation]
عندما أنظر إلى نفسي أرى ألاف الجوانب لي كلٌ يجعلني أري جانبًا من نفسي لا أستطيع رؤيته إنني صاحٍ تمامًا الآن, إنني متحرر من الفجر لا أريد أن أنظر إلى ا...
Brand New Eyes [German translation]
Wenn ich mich selber anschaue Sehe ich tausend Perspektiven von mir Jeder lässt mich Eine Seite von mir zeigen, die ich nicht sehen kann Ich bin jetzt...
Brand New Eyes [Turkish translation]
Kendime baktığımda Kendimi yüzlerce perspektiften görüyorum Herkes sunmama izin veriyor Benim göremediğim tarafımı Şimdi uyanığım,şafaktan özgürüm Aşa...
Burning Bridges lyrics
I've been lonely, missing your body You've been out of touch, you're so far away Wishing you would tell me you're sorry And you know you made a big mi...
Burning Bridges [German translation]
Ich war einsam, habe deinen Körper vermisst Du warst außer Reichweite, du bist so weit weg Ich wünschte, du würdest mir sagen, dass es dir leid tut Un...
Burning Bridges [Greek translation]
Νιώθω μοναξιά, μου λείπει το σώμα σου Εχεις κόψει επαφή, είσαι τόσο μακριά Εύχομαι να μου έλεγες πως ζητάς συγγνώμη Και πως ξέρεις ότι έκανες ένα μεγά...
Burning Bridges [Turkish translation]
Yalnız kaldım, vücudunu özlüyorum Dokunulmazdın, çok uzaktasın Bana üzgün olduğunu söylemeni diliyorum Ve büyük bir hata yaptığını biliyorsun Gözlerim...
Buy Me Diamonds lyrics
[Verse 1] You made me feel so unwanted Made the decision to leave you behind You say you've changed And you're sorry But I don't wanna know [Pre-Choru...
Buy Me Diamonds [German translation]
[Verse 1] Du hast mich mich so unerwünscht fühlen lassen Mich die Entscheidung treffen lassen, dich hinter mir zu lassen Du sagst, du hättest dich ver...
Buy Me Diamonds [Greek translation]
[Verse 1] Με έκανες να νιώσω τόσο ανεπιθύμητη Πήρα την απόφαση να σε αφήσω πίσω Λες ότι έχεις αλλάξει Και ότι λυπάσαι Αλλά δεν θέλω να ξέρω [Pre-Choru...
Buy Me Diamonds [Hungarian translation]
Verse 1 Annyira éreztetted velem hogy nem kellek Hogy eldöntöttem hogy magam mögött hagylak Azt mondod hogy megváltoztál és sajnálod De nem akarom tud...
Buy Me Diamonds [Italian translation]
[Verse 1] Mi hai fatta sentire così non voluta Ho preso la decisione di lasciarti indietro Hai detto che sei cambiato E ti dispiace Ma non voglio sape...
Buy Me Diamonds [Portuguese translation]
Você me fez sentir tão indesejada. Decidi deixar você para trás, Você diz que mudou E que você sente muito, Mas eu não quero saber Então me dê algo qu...
Buy Me Diamonds [Spanish translation]
[Verso 1] Me hiciste sentirme tan indeseada Tomé la decisión de dejarte atrás Dijiste que has cambiado Y pediste perdón Pero no lo quiero saber [Antes...
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