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Darin lyrics
Who's That Girl lyrics
I saw her last night, standing in the crowd And in a sudden flash of glory, I was blinded And though everything was moving, My whole world came to sto...
Who's That Girl [Hungarian translation]
Tegnap láttam őt, állni a tömegben És egy hirtelen felvillanó fény, megvakított És habár minden mozgott, Az egész világom megállt, És most tudnom kell...
Why does it rain lyrics
I can't believe she's gone. I can't believe, that we're not together anymore. Something in her eyes, I've never seen before. It took me by surprise, w...
Why does it rain [French translation]
Je ne peux pas croire qu'elle soit partie, Je ne peux pas croire, Que nous ne sommes plus ensemble. Quelque chose dans ses yeux, Je n'ai jamais vu aup...
Why does it rain [Hungarian translation]
Nem tudom elhinni hogy elment. Nem tudom elhinni, hogy mi már soha többé nem vagyunk együtt. Valami az ő szemében, Amit sosem láttam azelőtt. Meglepet...
Why does it rain [Romanian translation]
Nu-mi vine să cred că ea a plecat. Nu-mi vine să cred, Că nu mai suntem împreună. Ceva din ochii ei, Ce nu am mai văzut înainte. M-a luat prin surprin...
Why does it rain [Turkish translation]
Gittiğine inanamıyorum (kızın). İnanamıyorum, Artık birlikte olmadığımıza. Onun gözlerindeki bir şey, Önceden hiç görmemiştim. Beni şaşırttı, Dediğind...
You're Out of My Life lyrics
We had a fight, you cried and ran away Now it's late, 4am, can't reach you If I could turn back time and make you stay Maybe then I would still be nea...
You're Out of My Life [Hungarian translation]
Volt egy harcunk, te sírtál és elrohantál Most már nekem késő, nem tudlak elérni Ha vissza tudnék menni az időben és maradásra bírni téged Talán ha mé...
You're Out of My Life [Turkish translation]
Kavga ettik, ağladın ve çekip gittin Şimdi geç, saat sabaha karşı 4, sana ulaşamıyorum Eğer zamanı geri döndürebilseydim ve kalmanı sağlasaydım Belki ...
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