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Duran Duran lyrics
Skin Trade [Spanish translation]
Trabajando el fin de semana, cariño Ella está trabajando durante toda la noche Un salto hacia el fin profundo Le dio la evidencia que necesitaba Tómat...
Skin Trade [Ukrainian translation]
Працює у свята та в будні Вона працює допізна Занурилась в роботу з головою Шеф похвалить її сповна Тож відпочинь серед перлин Не лицемір, Коли про гр...
Sunset Garage lyrics
[Verse 1] So halfway drunk You'd never fail With your big eye punk Fashion fingernails Something cooking When you play guitar What a stake we're in Ho...
Taste The Summer lyrics
Taste the summer, you can taste the summer Can you, can you taste the summer? I do, I find it in your mouth Now if I have a weakness it's for sweetnes...
Taste The Summer [French translation]
Taste the summer, you can taste the summer Can you, can you taste the summer? I do, I find it in your mouth Now if I have a weakness it's for sweetnes...
The Chauffeur lyrics
Out on the tar plains, the glides are moving All looking for a new place to drive You sit beside me, so newly charming Sweating dew drops glisten, fre...
The Chauffeur [Italian translation]
Fuori sulle pianure di catrame, le evoluzioni si stanno muovendo Tutti alla ricerca di un nuovo posto dove guidare Tu siedi accanto a me, così recente...
The Chauffeur [Romanian translation]
Acolo, pe câmpiile de catran, păcatele se mișcă, Toate căutând un nou loc spre a conduce. Stai lângă mine, cu acel farmec nou, Picăturile de rouă ale ...
The Chauffeur [Russian translation]
Скользя по смольным равнинам в движении Всегда подыскивая новое место, куда можно сгонять Ты сидишь рядом со мной, так по-новому чарующая Капли росы п...
The Chauffeur [Spanish translation]
Allá, en las planicies de alquitrán, los deslices se mueven Todos buscan un nuevo lugar para conducir Tú te sientas a mi lado, con ese encanto tan nue...
The Chauffeur [Turkish translation]
Katran ovalarında, planörler hareket ediyor Hepsi sürecek yeni bir yer arıyorlar Yanımda oturuyorsun, yeni yeni neşeleniyorsun Terleyen çiy damlaları ...
The Crystal Ship lyrics
[Verse] Before you slip into unconsciousness I'd like to have another kiss Another flashing chance at bliss Another kiss, another kiss The days are br...
The Crystal Ship [Turkish translation]
[Verse] Before you slip into unconsciousness I'd like to have another kiss Another flashing chance at bliss Another kiss, another kiss The days are br...
The Man Who Stole A Leopard lyrics
Do you know where we are? I’m longing for the dark of our nocturnal life It begins and ends with you Don’t spill my secret You were once running wild,...
The Man Who Stole A Leopard [German translation]
Weißt du, wo wir sind? Ich sehne mich nach der Dunkelheit unseres Nachtlebens Es beginnt und endet mir dir Hüte mein Geheimnis Früher liefst du einmal...
The reflex lyrics
The reflex The reflex The reflex The reflex (flex, flex, flex) "You've gone too far this time" But I'm dancing on the valentine I tell you somebody's ...
The reflex [French translation]
Le Réflex Le Réflex Le Réflex Le Réflex (flex, flex, flex) "Tu es allé trop loin cette fois” Mais je danse sur ta petite amie Je te dis que quelqu'un ...
The reflex [German translation]
Der Reflex Der Reflex Der Reflex Der Reflex (flex, flex, flex) "Du bist diesmal zu weit gegangen" Aber ich tanze auf der Goldmontbretie* Ich sag dir, ...
The reflex [Greek translation]
Τα αντανακλαστικά1 Τα αντανακλαστικά Τα αντανακλαστικά Τα αντανακλαστικά2 "Το παρατράβηξες αυτήν τη φορά" Όμως χορεύω με τη μουσική του Αγίου Βαλεντίν...
The reflex [Spanish translation]
El reflejo El reflejo El reflejo El reflejo (flejo, flejo, flejo) "Te has pasado esta vez" Pero lo estoy pasando genial Te digo que alguien está perdi...
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