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Los Enanitos Verdes lyrics
Lamento Boliviano [Chinese translation]
他們想要動搖我 想激我讓我怒吼 我宛若磐石, 言語傷不了我 內裡有座火山 即將爆發 我想要安安靜靜的 這就是我的狀況 虛無 我就好比一個嘆息 玻利維亞的嘆息 開始於某一天 而永無止盡 卻沒傷害到任何人 而我就在這裡 既醉且瘋 而我癡癡的心 永遠綻放光芒 而我將愛著你 永遠愛著你 女孩別在床上梳頭 那...
Lamento Boliviano [English translation]
They want to work me up, they incite me to yell. I’m like a rock, words don’t touch me. There’s a volcano inside that will soon erupt. I want to be ca...
Lamento Boliviano [English translation]
They want to shake me up Encourage me to shout I am like a rock The words never touch me There's a volcano just within And it will soon explode I just...
Lamento Boliviano [English translation]
They want to shake me up they urge me to scream. I'm like a rock Words do not touch me Inside there is a volcano That soon will explode. I want to be ...
Lamento Boliviano [English translation]
(Somebody) want to agitate me Incite me to shout I am like a rock the words don't touch(?) me Inside me is a volcano which will explore soon I want to...
Lamento Boliviano [French translation]
Ils veulent me secouer Ils m'incitent à crier Je suis comme un rocher Les mots ne me touchent pas À l'intérieur il y a un volcan Qui va bientôt éclate...
Lamento Boliviano [Russian translation]
Меня хотят расшатать, Заставить меня кричать. Я как будто бы скала, Меня не пробьют слова. Внутри меня вулкан, Скоро взорвется сам. А я хочу быть спок...
Lamento Boliviano [Turkish translation]
Beni sarsmak istiyorlar Bağırmaya zorluyorlar. Ben bir kaya gibiyim, Kelimeler bana dokunmaz İçimde bir volkan var Yakında patlayacak halde Sakin olma...
Los Enanitos Verdes - Luz de día
destapa el champaigne apaga la luces dejemos las velas encendidas y afuera las heridas ya no pienses más en nuestro pasado hagamos que choquen nuestra...
Luz de día [English translation]
Pop open the champagne Turn off the lights Let's leave the candles lit And our wounds outside Don't think anymore About our past Let's clink our glass...
Luz de día [English translation]
Uncover the champaigne turn off the lights leave the candles on and the wounds outside Don't think about our past let's make a toast with our cups for...
Luz de día [English translation]
uncover the champaigne turn off the lights leave the candles on and outside the wounds don't think no more of our past let's make our cups collide for...
Luz de día [Greek translation]
Ξεσκέπασε τη σαμπάνια, σβήσε τα φώτα. Να αφήσουμε αναμμένα τα κεριά και έξω τις πληγές. Μη το σκέφτεσαι άλλο πια το παρελθόν μας. Ας τσουγκρίσουμε τα ...
Luz de día [Italian translation]
Stappa lo champagne, spegni le luci Lasciamo le vele in fuoco e fuori le ferite Non pensare più al nostro passato facciamo tintinnare i nostri calici ...
Luz de día [Japanese translation]
シャンパンを開けて 灯を消して キャンドルをつけて 傷を捨てて ふたりの昨日を もう思わないで めぐりあいから 祝杯しよう 僕は空を見上げられる 手をキスできる 体を感じられる 名前を言える 愛撫はこの恋の 火を焚きつけるそよ風 そよ風 僕は夜光になれる 昼光になれる 一秒に 世界を止められる 愛撫...
Luz de día [Turkish translation]
Şampanyanın kapağını aç Işıkları kapat Mumların ışıklarını yanık Yaraları ise dışarıda bırakalım. Artık geçmişimizi daha fazla düşünme Kadehlerimizi t...
Mariposas lyrics
Yo daría lo mejor de mi vida por estar con vos, y podría reparar mi alma herida a la luz del sol. No es tan cierto, que yo vivo como quiero, más bien ...
Mariposas [English translation]
I'd give the best of my life to be with you, And could repair my wounded soul to the sun light. It's not that true, that I live how I want, However I ...
Mariposas [English translation]
I'd give the best thing in my life to be with you, and I could repair my wounded soul to the sunlight. It's not so certain, that I live as I want, mor...
Mariposas [French translation]
Je donnerais ce qu'il y a de mieux dans ma vie pour être avec toi, Et je pourrais réparer mon âme blessée à la lumière du soleil Ce n'est pas si sûr q...
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