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A Fine Frenzy lyrics
Happier [Spanish translation]
Pequeñas e infantiles palabras punzantes, duras y cínicas El contacto frío y clínico Qué transformación de la que ser testigo Pero no me gusta este nu...
Hope for the Hopeless lyrics
Stitch in your knitted brow And you don't know how You're gonna get it out Crushed under heavy chest Trying to catch your breath But it always beats y...
Hope for the Hopeless [Spanish translation]
Una puntada en tu ceja tejida Y no sabes como Vas a sacarlo Aplastado bajo el pecho pesado Intentando respirar Pero siempre te supera por un paso Muy ...
It's Alive lyrics
(Never say never say never Never say never say never) Never say never say never Say the sunken ship For you never know where you're going to go When t...
Last Of Days lyrics
Something causing fear to fly Rising like a dark night In silence Traveling like a broken boat Heading for the sky And I'm an island I watched you dis...
Last Of Days [Italian translation]
C'è qualcosa che mi fa venire paura di volare, qualcosa che cresce come una notte buia nel silenzio, viaggia come una nave perduta diretta verso il ci...
Last Of Days [Romanian translation]
Ceva provoacă teama de a zbura Ridicându-se precum un cavaler întunecat În tăcere, Călătorind ca o barcă frântă, Îndreptându-se către cer, Iar eu sunt...
Last Of Days [Spanish translation]
Algo causa miedo a volar Levantándose como un caballero oscuro En silencio Viajando como un barco roto Dirigiéndose al cielo Y yo soy una isla Te vi d...
Liar, Liar lyrics
Liar liar You're such a great big liar With the tallest tales That I have ever heard Fire fire You set my soul on fire Laughing in the corner As it bu...
Lifesize lyrics
We stood so tall we caught a plane by the wing and held it Until we found it a place to land We layed across the ocean wide Bridged the gap in record ...
Lifesize [Hungarian translation]
Olyan magasak voltunk, hogy elkaptunk egy repülőt A szárnyánál fogva és nem engedtük el Amíg nem találtunk neki leszállóhelyet Keresztben ráfeküdtünk ...
Near To You lyrics
He and I had something beautiful But so dysfunctional, it couldn't last I loved him so but I let him go 'Cause I knew he'd never love me back Such pai...
Near To You [Bulgarian translation]
Той и аз имахме нещо хубаво Но много нефункционално,не можеше да продължи Обичах го много ,но го пуснах да си отиде, защото знаех че никога не ме е об...
Near To You [Finnish translation]
Hänella ja minulla oli jotain kaunista Mutta niin toimimatonta, se ei voinut kestää Rakastin häntä niin, mutta päästin hänestä irti Koska tiesin ettei...
Near To You [German translation]
Er und ich hatten etwas wunderschönes Doch wir hatten so viele Probleme, dass es nicht andauern konnte Ich habe ihn so geliebt, doch ich habe ihn gehe...
Near To You [Greek translation]
Αυτός και εγώ είχαμε κάτι όμορφο Αλλά τόσο δυσλειτουργικό, δεν θα μπορούσε να διαρκέσει Τον αγαπούσα τόσο, αλλά τον άφησα να φύγει Γιατί ήξερα πως ποτ...
Near To You [Hungarian translation]
Közte és köztem volt valami szép, De annyira működésképtelen, hogy nem tartott tovább. Annyira szerettem őt, de hagytam elmenni, Mert tudtam, sosem fo...
Near To You [Italian translation]
Lui e io avevamo qualcosa di bellissimo ma così disfunzionale, non poteva durare Io lo amavo così, ma l'ho lasciato andare perché sapevo che non lui m...
Near To You [Romanian translation]
El şi cu mine aveam ceva frumos Dar aşa disfuncţional, nu a putut dura L-am iubit dar l-am lăsat să plece Pentru că ştiam că el nu mă va iubi niciodat...
Near To You [Spanish translation]
Él y yo teníamos algo hermoso Pero tan disfuncional que no podía durar Le quería mucho pero le dejé ir porque sabía que él nunca me querría. Un dolor ...
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