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Željko Joksimović lyrics
Goodbye [French translation]
Your name is on my lips the night is tender, full of memories it's all I have now and for the last time I feel and hold you in my arms Ref: Say goodby...
Goodbye [Greek translation]
Your name is on my lips the night is tender, full of memories it's all I have now and for the last time I feel and hold you in my arms Ref: Say goodby...
Goodbye [Hungarian translation]
Your name is on my lips the night is tender, full of memories it's all I have now and for the last time I feel and hold you in my arms Ref: Say goodby...
Goodbye [Italian translation]
Your name is on my lips the night is tender, full of memories it's all I have now and for the last time I feel and hold you in my arms Ref: Say goodby...
Goodbye [Russian translation]
Your name is on my lips the night is tender, full of memories it's all I have now and for the last time I feel and hold you in my arms Ref: Say goodby...
Goodbye [Serbian translation]
Your name is on my lips the night is tender, full of memories it's all I have now and for the last time I feel and hold you in my arms Ref: Say goodby...
Goodbye [Spanish translation]
Your name is on my lips the night is tender, full of memories it's all I have now and for the last time I feel and hold you in my arms Ref: Say goodby...
Goodbye [Turkish translation]
Your name is on my lips the night is tender, full of memories it's all I have now and for the last time I feel and hold you in my arms Ref: Say goodby...
Habanera lyrics
Ti, što imaš kuda, a ja nemam. Ti, otrovno vino, ali žena. Moja je čaša prepuna, a ruke gladne kad te nema. Smeh, rekla si nije to afera. Greh, kida t...
Habanera [English translation]
You, who has got somewhere to go but I don't You, poisonous wine but still a woman my glass is more than full but the hands are hungry when you're not...
Habanera [Finnish translation]
Sinä, jolla on paikka jonne mennä toisin kuin minulla Sinä, myrkyllinen viini mutta kuitenkin nainen Lasini on enemmän kuin täynnä mutta käteni ovat n...
Habanera [French translation]
Toi, qui as quelque part où aller contrairement à moi Toi, qui es comme du vin empoisonné mais toujours une femme Mon verre est plus que plein Mais me...
Habanera [Greek translation]
Εσυ εχεις καπου να πας μα εγω δεν εχω Εσυ πικρο κρασι κι ομως γυναικα Το ποτηρι μου εχει ξεχειλεισει Μα τα χερια πεινανε οταν δεν σε εχω Γελας,λες αυτ...
Habanera [Italian translation]
Tu, che hai dove(andare) ed io no Tu, vino velenoso ma donna Il mio bicchiere è stracolmo E le mani affamate quando non ci sei Sorriso, mi hai detto c...
Habanera [Russian translation]
У тебя есть куда пойти , а мне некуда... Ты-ядовитое вино, но и женщина Мой стакан налит до краев, а руки голодны, когда тебя нет Смеясь сказала ты, -...
Habanera [Spanish translation]
Tú que tienes un lugar dónde puedes ir, pero yo no tú eres el vino veneno, pero la mujer mi vaso es lleno pero mis manos tienen hambre cuando estás au...
Habanera [Transliteration]
Ти, што имаш куда, а ја немам. Ти, отровно вино, али жена. Моја је чаша препуна, А руке гладне кад те нема. Смех, рекла си није то афера. Грех, кида т...
Habanera [Ukrainian translation]
ти, що маєш куди прямувати, а я не маю ти - отруйне вино, але й жінка моя склянка налита по вінця, а руки голодні, коли тебе нема сміх,- сказала ти, -...
Hej, ljubavi stara lyrics
Hej, ljubavi stara, glumiš mi za Oskara. Kako nema para da bi sa mnom ostala. A ide zima i tebi ko drugima trebaće neko u tim hladnim noćima, a ja, bi...
Hej, ljubavi stara [English translation]
Hey, my old love you're playing for Oscar that there's no money for stay with me And there is going winter to you like to the others you'll need someo...
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