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Escape the Fate lyrics
One For The Money lyrics
Are you ready? Are you ready? Let's go! Everybody in the world are you with me? It's too late to try to run, we run the city It's my time, it's your t...
One For The Money [French translation]
Are you ready? Are you ready? Let's go! Everybody in the world are you with me? It's too late to try to run, we run the city It's my time, it's your t...
One For The Money [German translation]
Are you ready? Are you ready? Let's go! Everybody in the world are you with me? It's too late to try to run, we run the city It's my time, it's your t...
One For The Money [Greek translation]
Are you ready? Are you ready? Let's go! Everybody in the world are you with me? It's too late to try to run, we run the city It's my time, it's your t...
One For The Money [Turkish translation]
Are you ready? Are you ready? Let's go! Everybody in the world are you with me? It's too late to try to run, we run the city It's my time, it's your t...
Picture perfect lyrics
You lived your life like you were on fire But how can I dance when your soul just lifted me higher and higher and higher? Paint bleeds, ink runs, imag...
Picture perfect [German translation]
Du hast dein Leben gelebt, als würdest du in Flammen stehen Aber wie kann ich tanzen, wenn deine Seele mich hochhob, höher und höher und höher? Farbe ...
Picture perfect [Greek translation]
Έζησες τη ζωή σου σαν να ήσουν σε φωτιά Αλλά πώς μπορώ να χορέψω όταν η ψυχή σου με ανέβαζε ψηλότερα και ψηλότερα και ψηλότερα; Η μπογιά ματώνει, το μ...
Picture perfect [Hungarian translation]
Úgy élted életed, mintha minden rendben lenne De hogy vegyem fel a ritmust, mikor lelked egyre feljebb, feljebb és feljebb emel engem? Fess fényeket, ...
Picture perfect [Italian translation]
Hai vissuto la tua vita come se andassi alla grande Ma come posso ballare quando la tua anima mi solleva in alto e più in alto e più in alto? La verni...
Picture perfect [Russian translation]
Ты прожила свою жизнь словно в огне Но как я могу танцевать , когда твоя душа поднимает меня все выше и выше и выше? Краска кровоточит, чернила кончаю...
Picture perfect [Russian translation]
Ты прожил свою жизнь как будто в огне Но как Я мог танцевать когда твоя душа возносила Меня все выше и выше и выше? Краска кровоточит, чернила заканчи...
Prepare your weapon lyrics
Fire! I know I suffer From guilt of past romances Now that it's over All fade to blackness I built these fences I hold myself in darkness Prepare the ...
Prepare your weapon [Hungarian translation]
Fire! I know I suffer From guilt of past romances Now that it's over All fade to blackness I built these fences I hold myself in darkness Prepare the ...
Recipe for Disaster lyrics
I'm a recipe for disaster I'm a recipe for disaster I'm a recipe for disaster I'm a recipe for disaster I guess I'm having myself one of those days I ...
Redline lyrics
Grab the keys, take the wheel You can roll with us Hundred miles til we're free in Los Angeles Desert sky, blurry lines for the night, we can leave th...
Remember Every Scar lyrics
Clickin' her heels Says there's no place like hell When you wake up And you find yourself drinking from the bottom shelf Life can turn you upside down...
Remember Every Scar [French translation]
Claquant ses talons Elle dit qu'il n'y a pas d'endroit comme l'Enfer. Quand tu te réveilles Et que tu te trouves en train de boire sur l'étagère du ba...
Remember Every Scar [Turkish translation]
Topuklarını tıklayarak Cehenneme benzer bir yer olmadığını söylüyor Uyandığın zaman Ve kendini alt raftan içmiş olarak buluyorsun Hayat seni alt üst e...
Resistance lyrics
Break, break, break! Break, break, break! Break, break, break! Break, break, yeah! All the believers follow the leader They're marching one by one Sta...
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