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AFI lyrics
Prelude 12/21 [Russian translation]
Это то, что я тебе принес и ты можешь это оставить, Это то, что я принес и ты можешь забыть меня. Я обещаю уйти, только пообещай мне одну вещь: Поцелу...
Prelude 12/21 [Spanish translation]
Este es mi regalo, puedes conservarlo. Este es mi regalo, ya puedas olvidarme. Prometo que me iré, solo prométeme una cosa Besa mis ojos y ponme a dor...
Prelude 12/21 [Turkish translation]
Sana getirdiğim bu, sende kalabilir Sana aldığım bu, beni unutabilirsin Ayrılacağıma söz veriyorum sadece bir şeye söz ver Gözlerimi öp ve beni uykuya...
Rabbits Are Roadkill On Rt. 37 lyrics
What once did exist, now is meaningless And doesn't it seem funny, how soon you did forget How soon you did forget All the words have now lost their w...
Rabbits Are Roadkill On Rt. 37 [French translation]
What once did exist, now is meaningless And doesn't it seem funny, how soon you did forget How soon you did forget All the words have now lost their w...
Reiver's Music lyrics
I gave up fighting I've come to see these halos Am I now worse off for this one night? All come enchanted, welcomed by the halos All the while we know...
Reiver's Music [French translation]
I gave up fighting I've come to see these halos Am I now worse off for this one night? All come enchanted, welcomed by the halos All the while we know...
Rewind lyrics
Lie awake, keep your cold eyes closed Feel it crawl upon your chest Bear it's teeth and steal your breath Stay awake as its creeping close If you're b...
Rewind [French translation]
Lie awake, keep your cold eyes closed Feel it crawl upon your chest Bear it's teeth and steal your breath Stay awake as its creeping close If you're b...
Rewind [Hungarian translation]
Lie awake, keep your cold eyes closed Feel it crawl upon your chest Bear it's teeth and steal your breath Stay awake as its creeping close If you're b...
Rizzo In The Box lyrics
I'm always around you to show you that I care, But I don't know what for It seems to me that you couldn't care less, So I'm not gonna do it anymore I ...
Rizzo In The Box [French translation]
I'm always around you to show you that I care, But I don't know what for It seems to me that you couldn't care less, So I'm not gonna do it anymore I ...
Rolling Balls lyrics
Bowling is my life and it has always been my dream To be a member of the local bowling team, although I'm not very good The guys won't accept me I gue...
Sacrifice Theory lyrics
Hear one thousand screams Hear one thousand voices A solitary echo Feel one thousand pains, But one is receiving a bloody invitation Do you want to fe...
Sacrifice Theory [French translation]
Hear one thousand screams Hear one thousand voices A solitary echo Feel one thousand pains, But one is receiving a bloody invitation Do you want to fe...
Sacrilege lyrics
I'm never gonna understand this I'm never gonna let it be I just can't understand this aged plan It's obsolete How could you recognize and cherish hys...
Sacrilege [French translation]
Je ne comprendrai jamais ça Je ne le laisserai jamais arriver Je ne peux simplement pas comprendre ce vieux plan Il est dépassé Comment as-tu pu croir...
Sacrilege [Hungarian translation]
Soha nem fogom megérteni ezt. Soha nem is szeretném. Én csak nem tudom megérteni ezt a kopott tervet. Ez elavult. Hogyan tudod elfogadni és dédelgetni...
Salt For Your Wounds lyrics
There's a tear in my heart where the blood ran out There's a tear in my heart where the love ran out Ithought we worked, pushed toward the same ends, ...
Salt For Your Wounds [French translation]
There's a tear in my heart where the blood ran out There's a tear in my heart where the love ran out Ithought we worked, pushed toward the same ends, ...
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