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AFI lyrics
Over Exposure lyrics
I have seen ten roses bleed, Seen new petals fall I have felt my soul tear I have felt nothing at all Watched what was vibrant Fade as shadows fall I ...
Over Exposure [French translation]
I have seen ten roses bleed, Seen new petals fall I have felt my soul tear I have felt nothing at all Watched what was vibrant Fade as shadows fall I ...
Paper Airplanes [Makeshift Wings] lyrics
Raise high monolithic statues, so fragile as they fall I am ever enthralled Gaze, lie and smirk in time, Your arrogance will suit you well 'Til fashio...
Paper Airplanes [Makeshift Wings] [Czech translation]
Raise high monolithic statues, so fragile as they fall I am ever enthralled Gaze, lie and smirk in time, Your arrogance will suit you well 'Til fashio...
Paper Airplanes [Makeshift Wings] [French translation]
Raise high monolithic statues, so fragile as they fall I am ever enthralled Gaze, lie and smirk in time, Your arrogance will suit you well 'Til fashio...
Perfect Fit lyrics
What was it I was thinking, Or was I even thinking at all? When I think of what I thought back then, Then I'm ashamed, And I'm appalled that I gave up...
Perfect Fit [French translation]
What was it I was thinking, Or was I even thinking at all? When I think of what I thought back then, Then I'm ashamed, And I'm appalled that I gave up...
Perfect Fit [German translation]
What was it I was thinking, Or was I even thinking at all? When I think of what I thought back then, Then I'm ashamed, And I'm appalled that I gave up...
pH Low lyrics
So quickly draining away If you could only hear all the things you used to say Consumed now by what you knew Was poisonous, quenching your thirst for ...
pH Low [French translation]
Tu t'épuises si rapidement Si seulement tu pouvais entendre ce que tu disais auparavant Maintenant consommé par ce que tu savais Être toxique, satisfa...
Pink Eyes lyrics
Not addicted to night, afraid of the morning That I awake and feel like someone is here But I’m laying right out, going darker and darker When my skin...
Pink Eyes [French translation]
Not addicted to night, afraid of the morning That I awake and feel like someone is here But I’m laying right out, going darker and darker When my skin...
Pink Eyes [Hungarian translation]
Not addicted to night, afraid of the morning That I awake and feel like someone is here But I’m laying right out, going darker and darker When my skin...
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda lyrics
I know It's here we retreat, for where else could we go? To great disbelief there is somewhere we belong In negative space supposed flaws go unseen, B...
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda [French translation]
I know It's here we retreat, for where else could we go? To great disbelief there is somewhere we belong In negative space supposed flaws go unseen, B...
Prelude 12/21 lyrics
This is what I brought you this you can keep, This is what I brought you may forget me. I promise to depart just promise one thing, Kiss my eyes and l...
Prelude 12/21 [French translation]
Voilà ce que je t'ai apporté, tu peux le garder Voilà ce que je t'ai apporté, tu peux m'oublier Je promets de partir, ne me promets qu'une chose Embra...
Prelude 12/21 [Hungarian translation]
Ez az amit hoztam ezt megtarthatod. Ez az amit hoztam el is felejthetsz. Elmegyek ígérem, csak ígérj meg valamit, Lehelj csókot a szemhéjamra és fekte...
Prelude 12/21 [Italian translation]
Questo è quello che ti ho portato, lo puoi tenere, Questo è quello che ti ho portato, puoi dimenticarti di me. Prometto di partire ma promettimi una c...
Prelude 12/21 [Polish translation]
Oto, co ci przyniosłem, możesz to zatrzymać Oto, co ci przyniosłem, możesz o mnie zapomnieć Obiecuję, że odejdę, tylko obiecaj mi jedną rzecz Ucałuj m...
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