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Hilary Duff lyrics
Dreamer lyrics
Bum [x16] I'm at the grocery store and there you are just watchin' me Bum [x10] Pick up my clothes from the cleaners and look who I see Bum [x10] I tr...
Dreamer [Serbian translation]
Bum [x16] U prodavnici sam i ti si tu, samo me gledaš Bum [x10] Pokupim odeću sa hemijskog i pazi koga ugledam Bum [x10] Pokušam da te izgubim u kolim...
Fly lyrics
Any moment everything can change Feel the wind on your shoulder For a minute all the world can wait Let go of your yesterday Can you hear it calling? ...
Fly [Arabic translation]
في اي لحظة كل شيء ممكن ان يتغير تسعر بالريح على كتفك لدقيقة كل العالم ممكن ان ينتظر تخلص من ماضيك هل تستطيع سماعها تناديك؟ هل تستطيع ان تشعر بها في رو...
Fly [Croatian translation]
Svakog trenutka sve se može promijeniti Osjeti vjetar na tvom ramenu Za minutu cijeli svijet može čekati Pusti se svoje prošlosti Možeš li čuti da zov...
Fly [French translation]
A n'importe quel moment, tout peut changer Sens le vent sur ton épaule, Pour une minute, tout le monde peut attendre Laisse tomber ton passé Peux-tu l...
Fly [Greek translation]
Οποιαδήποτε στιγμή όλα μπορούν να πετάξουν Νιώσε τον άνεμο στους ώμους σου Για ένα λεπτό όλος ο κόσμος μπορεί να περιμένει Άσε το χθες σου Μπορείς να ...
Fly [Greek [Ancient] translation]
Οιανδήποτε στιγμήν, τα πάντα ρει. Αίσθου αέρα παρά τοις ώμοις σου. Εν μία στιγμή, άπας ο κόσμος σταθήσεται. Αποτάξαι το παρελθόν σου. Ακούεις την έκκλ...
Fly [Hungarian translation]
Egy pillanat alatt, minden megváltozhat Érezd a szelet a válladon Egy percre, az egész világ várhat Engedd el a tegnapod Hallod, ahogy hív? Érzed a le...
Fly [Italian translation]
In qualsiasi momento, tutto può cambiare Senti il vento sulle tue spalle Per un minuto, tutto il mondo può attendere Lascia andare il tuo passato Ries...
Fly [Persian translation]
هر لحظه همه چيز ميتونه تغيير كنه باد رو روي شونه هات احساس كن براي يك لحظه همه دنيا ميتونه صبر كنه ديروزت رو رها كن ميتوني بشنوي كه صدا ميكنه؟ ميتوني ...
Fly [Romanian translation]
Totul se poate schimba în orice moment Simte vântul pe umărul tău Pentru un minut toată lumea poate aştepta Lasă-ţi trecutul în urmă Îl poţi auzi stri...
Fly [Serbian translation]
Svakog trenutka sve se može promeniti Oseti vetar na tvom ramenu Za minut ceo svet može da sačeka Pusti se svoje prošlosti Možeš li čuti da zove? Može...
Fly [Spanish translation]
En cualquier momento todo puede cambiar Siente el viento en tu hombro por un minuto, todo el mundo puede esperar deja tu pasado atrás ¿Puedes oir el l...
Fly [Turkish translation]
Her an her şey değişebilir Omuzlarındaki rüzgarı hisset Bir an olsun bütün dünya bekleyebilir Dününü bırak Seslenişini duyabiliyor musun? Ruhunda hiss...
Fly [Turkish translation]
Her an her şey değişebilir Omuzlarındaki rüzgarı hissedebiliyor musun? Bir dakikalığına dünya durabilir Geçmişini bırakabiliyor musun? Seni çağırdığın...
Girl can rock lyrics
Hey! Ready for the big time, ready for the small Whatever's comin' to me, I'll be ready for it all Sometimes it ain't easy, sometimes its not polite S...
Girl can rock [Serbian translation]
Hej! Spremna sam za uspeh, spremna sam za osmeh Šta god da dođe do mene, biću spremna za sve Ponekad nije lako, ponekad nije prijatno Ponekad ne kapir...
Gypsy Woman lyrics
Was it her face that invaded your mind? Her kind isn't that hard to find She lets you think that you found her first That's how she works, her sick an...
Gypsy Woman [Catalan translation]
Was it her face that invaded your mind? Her kind isn't that hard to find She lets you think that you found her first That's how she works, her sick an...
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