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Enrique Bunbury lyrics
Que tengas suertecita [English translation]
May you have a little luck 1 May life give you what you deserve, every day, may you not lack anything. may hope never turn its back on you. May you fi...
Salomé lyrics
Me pides lo imposible y yo te lo concedo. De vuelta yo te ruego así; respondes que me olvide. Los días pasan, yo me quedo Aunque sepan tu nombre, no t...
Salomé [English translation]
You ask me for the impossible and I grant it to you. In return I beg you like this; you tell me to forget it. Days pass by, I remain behind. Although ...
Si lyrics
Todo valió un zarpazo al corazón disimulo, no hay delator palpitación, encontrar lo que busqué trocitos de sospecha, siete siglas de papel ¿quién pudo...
Si [English translation]
Everything went to hell, a punch straight to the heart I pretend, there is no betrayer Palpitations, To find what I was looking for Bits of suspicion,...
Si [Turkish translation]
her şey kalpte bir yumruğa benzerdi gizliyorum, gammazlayan yok çarpıntılar aradığımı bulmak kuşku kırıntıları, kağıttan yedi harf kim olabilirdi? sen...
Solo si me perdonas lyrics
Una palabra mas rotunda que otra No me otorga ni un gramo de verdad Seguro que sólo quería demostrar Esta inseguridad que me devora A mí ahora, de nue...
Solo si me perdonas [English translation]
One word more emphatic than another It doesn’t contain an ounce of truth Surely you wanted to show this insecurity that devours me And I again have su...
Ven y camina conmigo lyrics
Camina conmigo un rato Un tramo tan sólo y hablamos después Mira la suela de mis zapatos No están gastados y me viste correr Olvída lo que te enseñaro...
Ven y camina conmigo [English translation]
Walk with me a while A lonely stretch and we’ll talk after Look at the sole of my shoes They are not worn off and you saw me run Forget what they taug...
Ven y camina conmigo [Turkish translation]
Bir süre benimle yürü Sadece bir süre ve sonra konuşalım Ayakkabılarımın tabanına bak Yıpranmış değiller ve beni koşarken gördün Sana öğrettiklerini u...
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