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Morrissey lyrics
Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself [Spanish translation]
Los días más cuerdos son dementes ¿Por qué no lo averiguas tú mismo? Entonces verás el precio muy de cerca Algunos hombres aquí, ellos tienen un inter...
World Peace Is None of Your Business lyrics
World peace is none of your business You must not tamper with arrangements Work hard and sweetly pay your taxes Never asking what for Oh, you poor lit...
World Peace Is None of Your Business [Arabic translation]
سلام العالم أمرًا لايعنيك يجب أن لاتتعب نفسك بالتجهيزات أعمل بجد ,وأدفع ضرائبك بإبتسامة بدون تساؤلات أوه,يآ أيها الفقيرالغبي سلام العالم أمرًا لا يعني...
World Peace Is None of Your Business [Croatian translation]
Svjetski mir nije jedan od tvojih poslova Ne bi se trebao miješati s rješenjima Teško radi i milostivo plati svoje poreze Nikad ne pitaj zašto Ti bije...
World Peace Is None of Your Business [French translation]
La paix dans le monde c'est pas ton problème, tu ne dois pas toucher aux combines Travaille dur et paye gentiment tes impôts sans jamais demander à qu...
World Peace Is None of Your Business [Polish translation]
Pokój na świecie to nie twoja sprawa. Nie wolno ci ingerować w uzgodnienia. Pracuj ciężko i radośnie płać podatki. Nigdy nie pytaj, po co. Och, ty bie...
World Peace Is None of Your Business [Serbian translation]
Svetski mir nije tvoja stvar Ne smeš se mešati u rešenja Naporno radi i milostivo plati svoje poreze Nikad ne pitaj zašto Oh, ti bedna mala budalo, ti...
World Peace Is None of Your Business [Spanish translation]
La paz del mundo no es de tu incumbencia Tu no debes interferir con arreglos Trabaja duro y dulcemente paga tus cuentas Nunca preguntes el para que Oh...
Yes, I Am Blind lyrics
Yes, I am blind , no I can't see The good things, just the bad things, oh Yes, I am blind, no I can't see There must be something horribly wrong with ...
Yes, I Am Blind [Croatian translation]
Da, ja sam slijep, ne, ne mogu vidjeti Dobre stvari, samo loše stvari Da, ja sam slijep, ne, ne mogu vidjeti Mora da je nešto strašno pogrešno sa mnom...
Yes, I Am Blind [Serbian translation]
Da, slep sam, ne, ne mogu videti Dobre stvari, samo loše stvari, oh Da, slep sam, ne, ne mogu videti Mora da je nešto užasno pogrešno sa mnom Bože, si...
You Have Killed Me lyrics
Pasolini is me, Accattone you'll be I entered nothing and nothing entered me 'Til you came with the key And you did your best but As I live and breath...
You Have Killed Me [Arabic translation]
أنا بازوليني وأنت قوادي لم أدخل شيء , ولا شيء دخلني حتى أتيت وفعلت مابوسعك لكن وعلى الرغم من أنني حيّ وأتنفس لكنك قتلتني,قتلتني نعم,أنا مازلت آمشي بطر...
You Have Killed Me [Greek translation]
Eίμαι ο Παζολίνι, θα είσαι ο Ακατόνε Δεν πρόβλεψα τίποτα και τίποτα δεν προβλέφθηκε για μένα Μέχρι που ήρθες με το κλειδί Και έκανες το καλύτερο αλλά ...
You Have Killed Me [Serbian translation]
Pasolini sam ja, Accattone ćeš biti ti Ušao sam ni u šta i ništa nije ušlo u mene Sve dok nisi naišao sa ključem I dao si sve od sebe, ali Dok živim i...
You Have Killed Me [Spanish translation]
Yo soy Pasolini, Tu serás Accattone Yo entre en nada, y nada entro en mi Hasta que llegaste con la llave E hiciste tu mejor esfuerzo pero Asi mientras...
You Have Killed Me [Turkish translation]
Pasolini benim, sen Accattone olacaksın* Kimseden içeri girmedim, kimse de benim içime girmedi Ta ki sen elinde anahtarla gelene kadar Ve elinden gele...
You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side lyrics
With the world's fate resting on your shoulders, You're gonna need someone on your side. You can't do it by yourself any longer, You're gonna need som...
You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side [Finnish translation]
Maailman kohtalo hartioillasi Tulet tarvitsemaan jonkun rinnallesi Et voi pärjätä yksin enää kauempaa Tulet tarvitsemaan jonkun rinnallesi Joku ystävä...
You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side [French translation]
Puisque le destin du monde repose sur tes épaules Tu auras besoin de quelqu'un de ton côté Tu ne peux plus y arriver seule maintenant Tu auras besoin ...
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