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Morrissey lyrics
That’s How People Grow Up [Dutch translation]
Ik verlummelde m'n tijd Ik probeerde verliefd te worden Teleurstelling overkwam me en Gaf me de bons, kneusde en kwetste me Zo wordt men volwassen Zo ...
That’s How People Grow Up [Greek translation]
Σπαταλούσα το χρόνο μου Προσπαθώντας να ερωτευτώ Απογοήτευση ήρθε σε με και Με έριξε και με γέμισε μώλωπες και με έβλαψε Έτσι μεγαλώνουν οι άνθρωποι Έ...
That’s How People Grow Up [Swedish translation]
Jag slösade bort min tid på att försöka bli förälskad Besvikelsen1 kom till mig och sparkade mig och slog2 och sårade mig Det är så folk växer upp Det...
The Bullfighter Dies lyrics
Mad in Madrid Ill in Seville Lonely in Barcelona Then someone told you and you cheer Hooray, hooray The bullfighter dies Hooray, hooray The bullfighte...
The Bullfighter Dies [Croatian translation]
Bijesan u Madridu Bolestan u Sevilli Usamljen u Barceloni Onda netko ti kaže pa nazdraviš Hura, hura Toreador umire Hura, hura I nitko ne plače Jer sv...
The Bullfighter Dies [French translation]
Dingue à Madrid Malade à Séville Seul à Barcelone1 et puis quelqu'un t'apprend la nouvelle et tu applaudis Hourra, hourra le torero meurt Hourra, hour...
The Bullfighter Dies [Turkish translation]
Madrid’de deliye dönmüş bir halde, Seville’de hasta, Barcelona’da yapayalnız. Ve sonunda gülümsemek için bir neden: Oley! Oley! Boğa güreşçisi geberdi...
The End of The Family Line lyrics
With no complications fifteen generations (of mine) all honouring Nature until I arrive (with incredible style) I'm the end fo the line the end of the...
The End of The Family Line [Persian translation]
بی هیچ دردسری پانزده نسل از من [آمدند و رفتند] همه‌شون قانون طبیعت رو محترم شمردند تا وقتی که من از راه رسیدم با شیوه‌ای استثنائی من پایان نسل هستم پا...
The End of The Family Line [Russian translation]
При отсутствии осложнений, Пятнадцать поколений (моих). Все в честь Природы, Пока я приеду (с невероятным стилем). Я - конец родословной, конец родосл...
The Girl from Tel-Aviv Who Wouldn't Kneel lyrics
The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel [Chorus] The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel Nor for husband...
The Girl from Tel-Aviv Who Wouldn't Kneel [Turkish translation]
Diz çökmeyen Tel-Avivli kız [Nakarat] Diz çökmeyen Tel-Avivli kız Diz çökmeyen Tel-Avivli kız Ne eşine ne diktatöre ne de zorbaya veya krala. Duvarlar...
The Last of The Famous International Playboys lyrics
Dear hero imprisoned With all the new crimes that you are perfecting Oh, I can't help quoting you Because everything that you said rings true And now ...
The Last of The Famous International Playboys [Greek translation]
Αγαπητέ ήρωα φυλακισμένε Με όλα τα νέα εγκλήματα που τελειοποιείς Ω, δεν μπορώ παρά να σε παραθέτω Επειδή ότι είπες μοιάζει αληθινό Και τώρα στο κελί ...
The Last of The Famous International Playboys [Portuguese translation]
Caro herói encarcerado Com todos os novos crimes que você está aperfeiçoando Oh, eu não consigo para de te citar Porque tudo que você disse soa verdad...
The Last of The Famous International Playboys [Turkish translation]
Hapisteki sevgili kahraman Mükemmelleştirdiğin tüm suçlarla Oh, senden alıntı yapmadan duramıyorum Çünkü söylediğin her şey doğru (çıkıyor) Ve şimdi b...
The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get lyrics
The more you ignore me The closer I get You're wasting your time The more you ignore me The closer I get You're wasting your time I will be In the bar...
The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get [Arabic translation]
كلما تجاهلتني كلما أتيت أقرب أنت تهدر وقتك كلما تجاهلتني كلما أتيت أقرب أنت تهدر وقتك سأكون في الحانة برأسي على البار أنا الآن جزء مركزي بأرض عقلك سوا...
The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get [French translation]
Plus tu m'ignores, Plus je me rapproche Tu perds ton temps Plus tu m'ignores, Plus je me rapproche Tu perds ton temps Je serai Dans le bar Avec ma têt...
The Ordinary Boys lyrics
ordinary boys, happy knowing nothing happy being no-one but themselves ordinary girls, supermarket clothes who think it's very clever to be cruel to y...
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