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Morrissey lyrics
Neal Cassady Drops Dead [Croatian translation]
Neal Cassady iznenada umire Dok suze Allena Ginsberga peru njegovu bradu Neal Cassady iznenada umire Dok su usne Allena Ginsberga stegnute i slabe Nea...
Neal Cassady Drops Dead [French translation]
Neal Cassady tombe raide mort Et les larmes d'Allen Ginsberg lavent sa barbe Neal Cassady tombe raide mort Et les lèvres d'Allen Ginsberg se serrent, ...
Never Again Will I Be a Twin lyrics
[Verse 1] Never again will I be a twin The operation went well, but the patient died [Verse 2] Never again will there be a smile To wipe off my face, ...
Oboe Concerto lyrics
Oboe concerto All the best ones are dead And there's a song I can't stand And it's stuck in my head There's a song I can't stand And it's stuck in my ...
Oboe Concerto [French translation]
Concerto pour hautbois Tous les meilleurs sont morts Et il est une chanson que je ne supporte pas Qui me tourne dans la tête Il est une chanson que je...
Once I Saw the River Clean lyrics
Once I saw the river clean Distant future, wait for me I grow pleasing to the eye And the cue will cue for me Once I saw the river clean Soon the cloc...
One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell lyrics
Always be careful when you abuse the one you love The hour or the day, no one can tell But one day goodbye will be farewell And you will never see the...
One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell [Swedish translation]
Var alltid försiktig när du misshandlar1 den du älskar Vilken timme eller dag (det blir) kan ingen veta, men en dag kommer "hej då" att vara "farväl" ...
Only A Pawn In Their Game lyrics
A bullet from the back of a bush Took Medgar Evers' blood A finger fired the trigger to his name A handle hid out in the dark A hand set the spark Two...
Our Frank lyrics
[Verse 1] Our frank and open Deep conversations They get me nowhere They bring me down, so Give it a rest, won't you? Give me a cigarette God give me ...
Seasick, Yet Still Docked lyrics
I am a poor freezingly cold soul So far from where I intended to go Scavenging through life's very constant lulls So far from where I'm determined to ...
Seasick, Yet Still Docked [Arabic translation]
أنا روح فقيرة باردة بعيد جدا عن اين كنت انوي الذهاب أبحث خلال فترات الهدوء المستمرة في الحياة بعيد جدا عن اين كنت مصمم الذهاب اتمنى لو كنت اعرف الطريق...
Seasick, Yet Still Docked [French translation]
Je suis une pauvre âme transie si loin de là où je comptais aller. Fouillant dans le balancement si régulier de la vie, si loin de là où je suis bien ...
Seasick, Yet Still Docked [German translation]
Ich bin eine arme, frierende, kalte Seele So weit weg von dort Wo ich hinwollte Stöbernd durch die sehr konstanten Flauten des Lebens So weit weg von ...
Seasick, Yet Still Docked [Italian translation]
Sono una povera, freddissima anima Tanto lontano da dove Volevo andare Frugando tra i periodi di calma molto costanti della vita Tanto lontano da dove...
Seasick, Yet Still Docked [Russian translation]
Я бедная ледяная душа, Далёкая от места, Куда собиралась. Роюсь в неизменных затишьях жизни, Таких далеких от местаназначения. Хотел бы знать, как дос...
Seasick, Yet Still Docked [Turkish translation]
Fakir ve donarcasına soğuk bir ruhum ben Oldukça uzaktayım Gitmeye niyetlendiğim yerden Hayatın kıpırtısız sükuneti içinde çöplerle beslenerek Gitmeye...
Sing Your Life lyrics
Sing your life Any fool can think up words that rhyme Many others do Why don't you? Do you want to? Sing your life Walk right up to the microphone And...
Sing Your Life [Arabic translation]
غني عن حياتك أي غبي بإمكانه تنسيق أغنية العديد يفعلون ذلك لماذا لا تفعلها أنت أيضًا أتريد؟ الغناء لحياتك أمسك الميكروفون وغني عن كل ما التي تحبها وكل ...
Sing Your Life [Russian translation]
Воспой свою жизнь, Любой дурак может подобрать рифму, Многие другие так делают, Почему бы тебе не сделать это? Ты хочешь? Воспой свою жизнь, Подойди к...
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