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Ozuna lyrics
Cama Vacía [English translation]
Wooo oh (Chorus) Drown the sorrow And dance my baby Even if you have an empty soul Tell me like it's the last day ah And eh If they ask, tell them tha...
Cama Vacía [French translation]
Wooo oh (Refrain) Noie le chagrin Et danse mon bébé Même si tu as une âme vide Dis-moi comme si c'était le dernier jour ah Et eh S'ils demandent, dite...
Cambio lyrics
Parte 1: Judas [Intro: Ozuna, Anuel AA] (Yeh) Real Hasta La Muerte, ¿oíste, bebé? Yeh, eh, eh-eh-eh (Brr) Hydro, Hi-Music Hi-Flow (Oh-oh-oh-oh) Tantos...
Caramelo lyrics
[Intro] Baby, baby Ozuna Aunque no pueda tengo la curiosidad Aunque no pretendo quedarme me da un poco de ansiedad  Y e' que en la vida todo se puede,...
Caramelo [Croatian translation]
[Uvod] Dušo, dušo Ozuna Iako ne mogu znatiželjan sam Iako ne namjeravam ostati, malo sam tjeskoban I u životu je sve moguće, bilo dobro ili loše Ali m...
Caramelo [English translation]
[Intro] Baby, baby Ozuna Although I can't, I'm curious Although I don't intend to stay, it gives me a bit of anxiety And it's that in life everything ...
Caramelo [English translation]
[Intro] Baby, baby Ozuna Although I can't, I'm curious Although I don't intend to stay, it gives me a little anxiety And e 'that in life everything is...
Caramelo [Remix] lyrics
[Intro: Ozuna & KAROL G] Woh-oh-oh-oh (Dime, ma') Baby, baby Ozuna This is the remix Aunque no pueda tengo la curiosidad (Curiosidad) Aunque no preten...
Caramelo [Remix] [English translation]
[Intro: Ozuna & KAROL G] Woh-oh-oh-oh (tell me, ma) Baby, baby Ozuna This is the remix Even though I can't I'm still curious (curious) Even though I d...
Caramelo [Remix] [Romanian translation]
[Intro: Ozuna și KAROL G] Woh-oh-oh-oh (spune-mi, mai mult) Iubito, iubito Ozuna Acesta este remixul Chiar dacă nu pot, sunt încă curios (curios) Chia...
Coméntale lyrics
[Intro: Ozuna] Woah-oh Au-Aura Yo sé que tu mamá piensa mal de mí Porque no sabe que yo te hago feliz Dile que no eres una niña, mami Quiero que sepa ...
Coméntale [English translation]
[Intro: Ozuna] Woah-oh Au-aura [Verse 1: Ozuna] I know that your mom thinks badly of me Because she doesn't know that I make you happy Tell her you're...
Coméntale [French translation]
[Intro : Ozuna] Woah-oh Au-Aura Je sais que ta mère a une mauvaise opinion de moi Parce qu'elle ne sait pas que je te rends heureuse Dis-lui que tu n'...
Contra el mundo lyrics
[Intro: Ozuna] Woh-oh-oh-oh-oh Jaja Jowny [Verso 1: Ozuna] En esta vida (En esta vida) Se ama y se sufre (Se ama y se sufre) Ven, no tengas miedo (Woh...
Corazón de seda lyrics
No no no Baby Qué hay de malo en querer besarte Cada mañana despertar contigo Qué hay de malo el poder tenerte No quiero ser solo tu amigo Corazón de ...
Corazón de seda [English translation]
No no no baby What's wrong with wanting to kiss you? Every morning, waking up with you What's wrong with being able to have you? I don't wanna be only...
Corazón de seda [French translation]
Non non non Bébé Comment est-ce mauvais de vouloir te baiser? Chaque matin je me réveille avec toi Comment est-ce mauvais de pouvoir t'avoir? Je ne ve...
Corazón de seda [German translation]
Nein, nein, nein Baby Was ist falsch daran, dich küssen zu wollen, Jeden Morgen mit dir zu erwachen? Was ist falsch daran, dich haben zu können? Ich w...
Corazón de seda [Romanian translation]
Nu nu nu Iubito Ce e în neregulă de a dori să te sărut În fiecare dimineață mă trezesc cu tine Ce e în neregulă cu tine Nu vreau să fiu doar prietenul...
Corazón de seda [Russian translation]
Не не не Малышка Что плохого в том, чтобы хотеть целовать тебя. Каждое утро просыпаться с тобой. Что плохого в том, чтобы подчиняться тебе. Я не хочу ...
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