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Gal Costa lyrics
Gal Costa - Um dia de domingo
Eu preciso te falar Te encontrar de qualquer jeito Prá sentar e conversar Depois andar De encontro ao vento... Eu preciso respirar O mesmo ar que te r...
Um dia de domingo [English translation]
I need to talk to you Meet you no matter how To sit and talk And then walk Against the wind I need to breathe The same air that surrounds you And in m...
Um dia de domingo [English translation]
I need to talk to you I need desperately to see you To sit and talk And later to walk together to the wind I need to breathe the same air that surroun...
Um dia de domingo [French translation]
J'ai besoin de te parler Te rencontrer de n'importe quelle manière Pour m'asseoir et discuter Ensuite marcher A la rencontre du vent... J'ai besoin de...
Um dia de domingo [German translation]
Ich muss mit dir reden Ich muss dich auf jeden Fall treffen Um mit dir zu sitzen und zu quatschen Danach, dem Wind Entgegen gehen... Ich muss dieselbe...
Um dia de domingo [Russian translation]
При встречах, как бы нечаянных, Хотелось бы с тобой поговорить. Чтоб после походов отчаянных В тиши посидеть и все обсудить. Хочу твой запах ощущать, ...
Um dia de domingo [Spanish translation]
Necesito hablarte encontrarte de cualquier manera para sentarnos y conversar después andar (pasear) un encuentro al viento... Necesito respirar el mis...
Vapor Barato lyrics
Oh, sim, eu estou tão cansado Mas não pra dizer Que eu não acredito mais em você Com minhas calças vermelhas Meu casaco de general Cheio de anéis Vou ...
Vapor Barato [English translation]
Oh, yea, I am quite tired Though not enough to say That I do not believe in you anymore Dressed with my red pants And my military jacket Full of rings...
Vapor Barato [French translation]
Oh, oui, je suis si fatigué Mais pas pour dire Que je ne crois plus en toi Avec mon pantalon rouge Ma veste de général Pleine de galons Je descends to...
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