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Nine Inch Nails lyrics
Happiness In Slavery [Serbian translation]
Rob vrišti misli da zna šta želi Rob vrišti misli da ima nešto da kaže Rob vrišti čuje ali ne želi da sluša Rob vrišti pretučenje potčinjenošću Ne otv...
Head Down lyrics
You What you looking at? Head down Too late for that What you want What you get Know your place Don't ever forget And this is not my face And this is ...
Head Down [French translation]
Toi, Qu'est-ce que tu regardes ? Tête baissée Il est trop tard pour ça Ce que tu veux Ce que tu obtiens Connais ta place N'oublie jamais Et ceci n'est...
Head Like a Hole lyrics
God Money I'll do anything for you God Money just tell me what you want me to God Money nail me up against the wall God Money don't want everything he...
Head Like a Hole [Finnish translation]
Jumala Raha teen mitä vain vuoksesi Jumala Raha kerro, kerro mitä haluat minulta Jumala Raha naulaa minut seinää vasten Jumala Raha ei halua kaikkea h...
Head Like a Hole [French translation]
Dieu de l'argent je ferais n'importe quoi pour toi Dieu de l'argent, dis-moi seulement ce que tu veux que je fasse Dieu de l'argent cloues-moi au mur ...
Head Like a Hole [German translation]
Gott Geld, ich werde alles für dich tun Gott Geld, sag mir bloß was du von mir willst Gott Geld, nagle mich an die Wand Gott Geld will nicht jede Sach...
Head Like a Hole [Greek translation]
Θεέ "Χρήμα" θα κάνω τα πάντα για 'σένα Θεέ "Χρήμα" απλώς πες μου τι θέλεις Θεέ "Χρήμα" κάρφωσέ με στο τοίχο Θεέ "Χρήμα' δεν θέλω τα πάντα αυτός τα θέλ...
Head Like a Hole [Lithuanian translation]
Dieve Pinigų padarysiu viską dėl tavęs Dieve Pinigų tik pasakyk ko tu nori kad aš Dieve Pinigų prikalk mane prie sienos Dieve Pinigų nenoriu visko jis...
Head Like a Hole [Spanish translation]
Dios Dinero, haré lo que sea por ti Dios Dinero, tan solo pídeme lo que sea Dios Dinero, clávame contra la pared El Dios Dinero no lo quiere todo, lo ...
Head Like a Hole [Spanish translation]
Dios Dinero, haré lo que sea por ti Dios Dinero, solo dime qué quieres que haga Dios Dinero, clávame contra la pared Dios Dinero no quiere lo que sea,...
Head Like a Hole [Swedish translation]
Gud Pengar jag gör vad som helst för dig Gud Pengar berätta vad du vill att jag ska Gud Pengar spika upp mig mot väggen Gud Pengar vill inte ha allt h...
Head Like a Hole [Turkish translation]
Para tanrısı, senin için elimi ardıma koymam Para tanrısı, yalnızca söyle bana, benden ne dilediğini Para tanrısı, beni duvarlara çak Para tanrısı ist...
Heresy lyrics
He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see He tries to tell me what i put inside of me He's got the answers to ease my curiosity He dreamed up...
Heresy [Croatian translation]
Zašio je svoje oči jer se boji gledati Pokušava mi reći što da stavljam u sebe On ima odgovore koji olakšavaju moju znatiželju Sanjao je Boga i nazvao...
Heresy [French translation]
Il s'est cousu les paupières, pace qu'il a peur de voir Il essaie de me dire ce que je mets à l'intérieur de moi-même Il a les réponses pour satisfair...
Heresy [Greek translation]
Έραψε τα μάτια του κλειστά γιατί φοβάται να δει Προσπαθεί να μου υποδείξει τι βάζω μέσα μου Έχει τις απαντήσεις για να καταπραΰνει την περιέργειά μου ...
Home lyrics
Everything is catching up with me I awake to find I'm not at all where I should be And it feels I'm getting to the end And it's hard to figure out wha...
Home [French translation]
Tout me rattrape Je me réveille pour me rendre compte que je ne suis pas du tout là où je devrais être Et j'ai l'impression d'arriver à la fin Et il e...
Home [Turkish translation]
Her şey bana yetişiyor Olmam gereken yere yakın bile olamadığımı görecek kadar uyanığım Ve sona yaklaşıyormuşum gibi hissediyorum Ve neyin gerçek neyi...
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