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Nine Inch Nails lyrics
Piggy [Croatian translation]
Hej prasac, hej ti, hej prasac, prase, prasac Svi moji strahovi su postali stvarni Pretučen sam i slomljenih kostiju Ostavio si me ovdje, sasvim sam s...
Piggy [French translation]
Hey, cochon Oui, toi Hey, cochon, petit cochon, cochon, cochon, cochon Toutes mes peurs sont devenues réalité Noir et bleu et os brisés, Tu m'as laiss...
Please lyrics
This is how It begins Push it away, but it all comes back again All the flesh All the sin There was a time when it used to mean just about everything ...
Please [French translation]
C'est comme ça Que ça commence Pousse-le au loin, mais ça revient toujours Toute la chair Tout le péché Il y a eu un temps où cela valait à peu près t...
Purest Feeling lyrics
Purest feeling Purest feeling Well, I think i'm gonna push it As far as it will go Give in to desire Only you will know So tell me all your secrets I'...
Purest Feeling [French translation]
Purest feeling Purest feeling Well, I think i'm gonna push it As far as it will go Give in to desire Only you will know So tell me all your secrets I'...
Reptile lyrics
She spreads herself wide open to let the insects in She leaves a trail of honey to show me where she’s been She has the blood of reptile just undernea...
Reptile [Finnish translation]
Hän levittää itsensä selkoselleen päästääkseen hyönteiset sisään Hän jättää vanan hunajaa näyttääkseen missä hän on ollut Hänellä on veri matelijan ju...
Reptile [French translation]
Elle s'écarte très grand pour laisser entrer les insectes Elle laisse une piste de miel pour me montrer où elle a été Elle a le sang du reptile juste ...
Reptile [Italian translation]
lei si apre ampiamente per fare entrare gli insetti lei lascia una traccia di miele per mostrarmi dove è stata lei h il sangue di un rettile proprio a...
Right Where It Belongs lyrics
See the animal in his cage that you built Are you sure what side you're on? Better not look him too closely in the eye Are you sure what side of the g...
Right Where It Belongs [Croatian translation]
Vidi životinju u njezinom kavezu koji si ti sastavio Jesi li siguran na kojoj si strani? Bolje ju ne gledati u oči iz prevelike blizine Jesi li sigura...
Right Where It Belongs [Finnish translation]
Kas eläin häkissä jonka rakensit Kummalla puolella oletkaan? Paraneeko silmiin katsoakaan Varmastiko häkin oikealla puolella oletkaan? Kas kun elämän ...
Right Where It Belongs [French translation]
Regarde l'animal dans cette cage que tu as construite Es-tu certaine du côté duquel tu te trouves ? Tu ferais mieux de ne pas le regarder de trop près...
Right Where It Belongs [Turkish translation]
senin yaptığın kafeste bak duran şu hayvana1 ne tarafta olduğunu sorgula, emin misin?2 gözlerine iyisi mi sen çok yakından bakma3 camın hangi tarafınd...
Ringfinger lyrics
Well you've got me working so hard lately Working my hands until they bleed If I was twice the man I could be I'd still be half of what you need Still...
Ringfinger [French translation]
Et bien tu me fais travailler si dur dernièrement Travailler mes mains jusqu'à ce qu'elles saignent Si j'étais le double de l'homme que je pourrais êt...
Ruiner lyrics
You had all of them on your side Didn't you? Didn't you? You believed in all your lies Didn't you? Didn't you? The Ruiner's got a lot to prove He's go...
Ruiner [French translation]
Tu les avais tous de ton côté, N'est-ce pas ? N'est-ce pas ? Tu croyais à tous tes mensonges, N'est-ce pas ? N'est-ce pas ? Le Ravageur a beaucoup à p...
Running lyrics
I followed you again this morning Just close enough to feel you near Pretending everyone could see me Just slip away and disappear They're right behin...
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