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Nine Inch Nails lyrics
Less Than lyrics
Focus? We didn't even notice We awake in a place We can barely recognize, yeah Hypnosis And you can justify it all Your back is up against the wall ag...
Less Than [French translation]
Concentré ? Nous n'avons même pas remarqué Nous nous réveillons dans un endroit Nous pouvons à peine le reconnaître, yeah Hypnose Et vous pouvez justi...
Less Than [Turkish translation]
Odak? Farkına bile varmadık Zar zor hatırlayabildiğimiz Bir yerde uyanıyoruz, evet Hipnoz Ve sen hepsini haklı kılabilirsin Sırtın yeniden duvara daya...
Letting You lyrics
The sky is painted black The smoke pours out the stack One hand upon your heart One hand behind your back You train us how to act You keep the fear in...
Letting You [French translation]
Le ciel est peint en noir La fumée s'échappe de la cheminée Une main sur le coeur Une main derrière le dos Tu nous apprends à jouer la comédie Tu gard...
Lights In The Sky lyrics
She's mostly gone Some other place I'm getting by In other ways Everything they whispered in our ear Is coming true Try to justify the things I used t...
Lights In The Sky [French translation]
Elle est pratiquement partie Vers un autre endroit Je m'en sors De d'autres façons Tout ce qu'ils nous avaient murmuré à l'oreille Devient réalité J'e...
Love Is Not Enough lyrics
The more that we take, the paler we get I can't remember what it is, we try to forget The tile on the floor, so cold it can sting In your eyes is a pl...
Love Is Not Enough [French translation]
Plus nous en prenons, plus nous palissons Je ne me rappelle plus ce que c'est, nous essayons d'oublier La céramique sur le plancher, si froide qu'elle...
Love Is Not Enough [Turkish translation]
Ne kadar alırsak o kadar rengimiz soluyor Neyi unutmak istiyorduk artık hatırlayamıyorum Fayans karosu o kadar soğuk ki sanki ısırıyor Gözlerinde, hat...
March Of The Pigs lyrics
Step right up march push Crawl right up on your knees Please greed feed (no time to hesitate) I want a little bit I want a piece of it I think he's lo...
March Of The Pigs [French translation]
Redresse-toi, marche, pousse Rampe à genoux S'il te plaît, avidité, nourris (pas le temps d'hésiter) J'en veux un peu, j'en veux un morceau, je crois ...
Maybe Just Once lyrics
I can't believe that what I feel is finally happening to me. make it hurt. and point the finger at my insecurities. well I guess I just don't understa...
Maybe Just Once [French translation]
I can't believe that what I feel is finally happening to me. make it hurt. and point the finger at my insecurities. well I guess I just don't understa...
Me, I'm Not lyrics
And it's happening Never planned on this You got something I need Kind of dangerous And I'm losing control I'm not used to this What you want from me ...
Me, I'm Not [French translation]
Et ça arrive, Je n'avais jamais planifié ça Tu as quelque chose dont j'ai besoin, Un peu dangereuse Et je perds le contrôle, Je n'ai pas l'habitude de...
Me, I'm Not [Greek translation]
Και (τελικά) συμβαίνει Ποτέ δεν το σχεδίασα Έχει κάτι που χρειάζομαι Κάπως επικίνδυνο Και χάνω τον έλεγχο Δεν είμαι συνηθισμένος σε αυτό Τί θες από εμ...
Me, I'm Not [Turkish translation]
Ve olmaya başladı Bunun hakkında hiç plan yapmadık İhtiyacım olan bir şeye sahipsin Tehlikeli sayılır Ve ben kontrolü kaybediyorum Buna alışık değilim...
Meet Your Master lyrics
Bow down in position Against the polished steel This is something different You'll like the way this feels No time for asking questions No time for wo...
Meet Your Master [French translation]
Incline-toi, prends position Contre l'acier poli Ceci est quelque chose de différent Tu aimeras la sensation que ça procure Pas le temps de poser des ...
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