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Editors lyrics
Life Is A Fear [Greek translation]
Life is a fear of falling Life is a fear of falling through All the cracks Wait around here long enough, you'll see Another junction, line up and lay ...
Life Is A Fear [Turkish translation]
Life is a fear of falling Life is a fear of falling through All the cracks Wait around here long enough, you'll see Another junction, line up and lay ...
Lights lyrics
I still love the light on, baby It keeps me awake but I don't mind Everything I always wanted Is right there but soon it won't be Oh, if fortune favor...
Lights [Turkish translation]
Hala ışıkların açık kalmasını seviyorum bebeğim Beni uyanık tutuyor ama aldırmıyorum Hep istediğim herşey Tam burada ama yakında olmayacak Oh, eğer ta...
Marching Orders lyrics
I can open my mind But there's no makings of a dreamer in you In these desperate times I'm walking home Walking home to you I will fall with the rain ...
Marching Orders [Greek translation]
I can open my mind But there's no makings of a dreamer in you In these desperate times I'm walking home Walking home to you I will fall with the rain ...
Marching Orders [Turkish translation]
I can open my mind But there's no makings of a dreamer in you In these desperate times I'm walking home Walking home to you I will fall with the rain ...
Munich lyrics
I'm so glad I've found this I'm so glad I did I'm so glad I've found this I'm so glad I did People are fragile things, you should know by now Be caref...
Munich [Croatian translation]
Tako mi je drago da sam pronašao ovo Tako mi je drago da jesam Tako mi je drago da sam pronašao ovo Tako mi je drago da jesam Ljudi su krhka bića, tre...
Munich [French translation]
Je suis si content de l'avoir trouvé J'en suis si content Je suis si content de l'avoir trouvé J'en suis si content Les gens sont des choses fragiles,...
Munich [German translation]
Ich bin so froh, dass ich das hier gefunden habe Ich bin so froh, dass ich es getan habe Ich bin so froh, dass ich das hier gefunden habe Ich bin so f...
Munich [Greek translation]
Χαίρομαι τόσο που το βρήκα αυτό Χαίρομαι τόσο που το βρήκα Χαίρομαι τόσο που το βρήκα αυτό Χαίρομαι τόσο που το βρήκα Οι άνθρωποι είναι εύθραυστα πράγ...
Munich [Italian translation]
Sono così felice di averlo trovato, Sono così felice di averlo fatto. Sono così felice di averlo trovato, Sono così felice di averlo fatto. Le persone...
Munich [Spanish translation]
Me alegro mucho de haberlo encontrado Me alegro mucho de haberlo hecho Me alegro mucho de haberlo encontrado Me alegro mucho de haberlo hecho La gente...
Munich [Turkish translation]
Bunu bulduğum için çok memnumum Bunu yaptığım için çok memnumum Bunu bulduğum için çok memnumum Bunu yaptığım için çok memnumum İnsanlar kırılgan şeyl...
Munich [Turkish translation]
Bunu bulduğum için çok memnunum Bunubulduğum için Bunu bulduğum için çok memnunum Bunubulduğum için İnsanlar narin şeylerdir, şu andan itibaren bilmel...
No Harm lyrics
I'll boil easier than you Crush my bones into glue I'm a go-getter The system's in red The room is inbred I'm a go-getter Don't hold no harm Don't hol...
No Harm [Greek translation]
Θα βράσω ευκολότερα από εσάς Θα συνθλίψω τα οστά μου σε κόλλα Είμαι ένας αριβίστας1 Το σύστημα βρίσκεται σε συναγερμό Η αίθουσα είναι ομόαιμη2 Είμαι έ...
No Harm [Romanian translation]
Voi fierbe mult mai usor decat tine, Imi voi strivi oasele pana le voi face clei. Asa sunt eu, un tip ambitios*. Sistemul'mi este in alerta, Camera'mi...
No Harm [Russian translation]
Я закиплю быстрее тебя, Измельчу свои кости в клей, Я - хваткий малый. Вся cистема на грани аварии, Эта комната полна кровосмешения, Я - хваткий малый...
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