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Editors lyrics
All the kings [Turkish translation]
Send me to Venus, send me to Mars The crippling fear of colliding stars Break from tradition, the first little taste A gentle reminder, the tear on yo...
An End has a Start lyrics
I don't think that it's Gonna rain again today, There's a devil at your side, But an angel on the way Someone hit the light, Cause there's more here t...
An End has a Start [Croatian translation]
Mislim da neće Danas kišiti Vrag je na tvojoj strani, Ali anđeo je na putu Neka netko upali svijetlo Jer tu ima više toga za vidjeti, Kad si uhvatila ...
An End has a Start [French translation]
Je ne pense pas Qu'il va encore pleuvoir aujourd'hui, Il y a un démon à tes côtés, Mais un ange sur le chemin (1) Quelqu'un a fait la lumière, (2) Car...
An End has a Start [Greek translation]
Δεν νομίζω πως θα βρέξει πάλι σήμερα Ένας διάβολος στέκεται δίπλα σου Αλλά ένας θηλυκός άγγελος είναι καθ'οδόν Κάποιος ας ανάψει το φως γιατί εδώ υπάρ...
An End has a Start [Greek translation]
Δε νομίζω ότι Θα βρέξει πάλι σήμερα, Υπάρχει ένας διάβολος στο πλευρό σου, αλλά ένας άγγελος στο δρόμο Κάποιος να ανάψει τα φώτα, Γιατί υπάρχουν περισ...
An End has a Start [Italian translation]
Non penso che oggi Pioverà di nuovo C'è un diavolo al tuo fianco, Ma un angelo sul sentiero Qualcuno accenda la luce, Perché qui ci sono più cose da v...
An End has a Start [Russian translation]
Не думаю, что сегодня еще будет дождь. Дьявол - твой союзник, но ангел уже в пути. Кто-то зажег свет ибо здесь нужно ещё кое-что увидеть. Когда встрет...
An End has a Start [Spanish translation]
No creo que Vuelva a llover hoy Hay un demonio a tu lado, Pero un ángel está en camino Que alguien de la luz Que hay más cosas por ver aquí Cuando lla...
An End has a Start [Turkish translation]
Zannetmiyorum ki Bugün yağmur yağsın, Yanında şeytan var, Ama bir melek onun karşısında Biri ışığı açsın, Çünkü görülecek çok şey var, Gözümü yakaladı...
At All Cost lyrics
Out of touch And older than I look I've got nothing to say To my oldest friends Warmth is in The awkward silence Carried on an anxious glance Hold my ...
At All Cost [Portuguese translation]
Out of touch And older than I look I've got nothing to say To my oldest friends Warmth is in The awkward silence Carried on an anxious glance Hold my ...
At All Cost [Turkish translation]
Out of touch And older than I look I've got nothing to say To my oldest friends Warmth is in The awkward silence Carried on an anxious glance Hold my ...
Belong lyrics
[Verse 1] In this room A wilderness You're the calm In that dress Circling birds Spits of rain Rest your head On the windowpane [Verse 2] Here's our l...
Belong [Russian translation]
[Строфа 1] В этой комнате Пустошь. А ты спокойно сидишь В этом платье. Кружение птиц... Брызги дождя... Расслабься и посмотри В окно. [Строфа 2] Вот и...
Bird Of Prey lyrics
Every lie you've ever been told The greatest story ever told The circling bird of prey Above a church on a Sunday I wrap myself in you A little someth...
Bird Of Prey [Dutch translation]
Iedere leugen die men jou ooit verteld heeft Het meest grootse verhaal ooit verteld De rondcirkelende roofvogel Boven een kerk op zondag Ik wikkel mez...
Bird Of Prey [Turkish translation]
Sana söylenen her yalan En güzel hikaye Yırtıcı kuşun çemberi Bir Pazar günü kilise üzerinde Kendimi sana sarıyorum Tutunabileceğim minik bir şey Oh i...
Blood lyrics
This wicked city just drags you down You're with the red lights, your side of town Don't say it's easy to follow a process There's nothing harder than...
Blood [Croatian translation]
Ovaj zlobni grad te samo vuče dolje Ti si sa crvenim svijetlima, tvojim dijelom grada Nemoj reći da je lako pratiti postupak Ne postoji ništa teže od ...
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