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Editors lyrics
Weight of the World lyrics
Keep a light on those you love They will be there when you die Baby there's no need to fear Baby there's no need to cry Every little piece in your lif...
Weight of the World [Croatian translation]
Drži svijetlo nad onima koje voliš Oni će biti ondje kad umreš Mala nema razloga za strah Mala nema razloga za plač Svaki mali djelić tvog života Će s...
Weight of the World [Greek translation]
Δείξε ενδιαφέρον σε εκείνους που αγαπάς Εκείνοι θα είναι εκεί όταν εσύ πεθάνεις Μωρό μου, δεν είναι ανάγκη να φοβάσαι Μωρό μου, δεν είναι ανάγκη να κλ...
What Is This Thing Called Love lyrics
I've been your lover for the last time. All your pretending; God knows that we tried. I've been the doctor for the last time. If we weren't so good at...
What Is This Thing Called Love [Croatian translation]
I've been your lover for the last time. All your pretending; God knows that we tried. I've been the doctor for the last time. If we weren't so good at...
What Is This Thing Called Love [French translation]
I've been your lover for the last time. All your pretending; God knows that we tried. I've been the doctor for the last time. If we weren't so good at...
What Is This Thing Called Love [Greek translation]
I've been your lover for the last time. All your pretending; God knows that we tried. I've been the doctor for the last time. If we weren't so good at...
What Is This Thing Called Love [Russian translation]
I've been your lover for the last time. All your pretending; God knows that we tried. I've been the doctor for the last time. If we weren't so good at...
What Is This Thing Called Love [Spanish translation]
I've been your lover for the last time. All your pretending; God knows that we tried. I've been the doctor for the last time. If we weren't so good at...
What Is This Thing Called Love [Turkish translation]
I've been your lover for the last time. All your pretending; God knows that we tried. I've been the doctor for the last time. If we weren't so good at...
When Anger Shows lyrics
It creeps all over you like a dull ache Think of all the things your hands could make It pulls you to the ground like soaking wet clothes The change i...
When Anger Shows [Croatian translation]
Gmiže u tebi poput tupog bola Pomisli na sve stvari koje tvoje ruke mogu napraviti Povlači te na dno poput natopljene mokre odjeće Promjena na tvom li...
When Anger Shows [French translation]
Ça rampe sur toi comme une douleur sourde Pense à toutes les choses que tes mains pourraient faire Ça te tire au sol comme des gants détrempés Le chan...
When Anger Shows [Italian translation]
Striscia sul tuo corpo come un dolore sordo, Pensa a tutte le cose che le tue mani potrebbero creare. Ti getta a terra come vestiti bagnati fradici, I...
You Don't Know Love lyrics
You don't know love like you used to You don't feel love like you did before You ran with the dead today With the moles from the CIA They see more tha...
You Don't Know Love [Croatian translation]
Ti ne znaš za ljubav kao što si znala prije, ti ne osjećaš ljubav kao što si osjećala je prije. Danas trčiš sa mrtvima, sa tajnim agentima iz CIA. Oni...
You Don't Know Love [Russian translation]
Ты не знаешь любви тебе привычной, Ты не чувствуешь любви, такой как прежде. Ты бежал сегодня вместе с мертвыми, С тайными агентами из ЦРУ. Они видят ...
You Don't Know Love [Serbian translation]
Ti ne znaš ljubav kao što si znala pre Ti ne osećaš ljubav kao što si pre osećala Danas trčiš sa mrtvima Sa špijunima iz Cije Oni vide više nego što ć...
You Don't Know Love [Turkish translation]
Aşkı bilmiyorsun eskisi gibi Aşkı hissetmiyorsun eskiden hissettiğin gibi Bugün ölüyle beraber kaçtın CIA'den köstebeklerle birlikte Onlar senin hep g...
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