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The Police lyrics
Mother [French translation]
Voilà le téléphone qui sonne, est-ce que c'est ma mère qui appelle ? Le téléphone sonne, est-ce que c'est ma mère qui appelle ? Le téléphone se met à ...
Mother [German translation]
Nun, das Telefon klingelt, Ist das meine Mutter am Telefon? Telefon klingelt, Ist das meine Mutter am Telefon? Das Telefon schreit, Kann sie mich nich...
Mother [Spanish translation]
Bien, el teléfono está sonando, ¿Acaso es mi madre al teléfono? El teléfono está sonando, ¿Acaso es mi madre al teléfono? El teléfono está gritando, ¿...
Murder by Numbers lyrics
Once that you've decided on a killing First you make a stone of your heart And if you find that your hands are still willing Then you can turn a murde...
Murder by Numbers [German translation]
Wenn du ich entschlossen hast, jemanden umzubringen Musst du dein Herz erst mal in einen Stein verwandeln Und wenn dann deine Hände immer noch willig ...
Murder by Numbers [Italian translation]
Quando ti sarai deciso ad ammazzare Trasforma per prima cosa in pietra il tuo cuore. E se senti che le tue mani fremono ancora Allora potrai fare del ...
Next To You lyrics
I can't stand it for another day When you live so many miles away. Nothing here is gonna make me stay, (You) took me over, let me find a way. I sold m...
Next To You [Croatian translation]
Ne mogu izdržati još jedan dan Kad ti živiš toliko milja daleki Ovdje me neće ništa zaustaviti, Obuzela* si me, pokaži mi put. Prodao sam svoju kuću I...
Next To You [German translation]
Ich kann es nicht noch einen Tag ertragen Wenn du so viele Meilen weit weg lebst. Nichts hier wird mich dazu veranlassen, zu bleiben, (Du) Hast mich e...
Next To You [Turkish translation]
Bir gün daha dayanamam, Sen çok uzaklarda yaşarken. Buradaki hiçbir şey kalmamı sağlayamaz, Beni ele geçirdin, izin ver bir yol bulayım. Evimi sattım ...
No Time This Time lyrics
No time for the niceties of conversation No time for smiles, no time for knowing Less time for intricacies of explanation Less time for caring, even l...
O My God lyrics
Everyone I know is lonely And God is so far away And my heart belongs to no one So now sometimes I pray Take the space between us And fill it up some ...
On any other day lyrics
The other ones Are complete bullshit You want something corny? You got it There's a house on my street And it looks real neat I'm the chap who lives i...
On any other day [German translation]
Die anderen sind total Scheiße Du willst was blödes? Hier hast du Es gibt ein Haus in meiner Straße Und das sieht richtig nett aus Ich bin der Typ der...
Once Upon a Daydream lyrics
Once upon a daydream I fell in love with you Once upon a moonbeam I gave that love to you Once upon a lifetime I knew it must be true When the months ...
One World lyrics
One world is enough For all of us One world is enough For all of us It's a subject we rarely mention But when we do we have this little invention By p...
Peanuts lyrics
It's all a game You're not the same Your famous name The price of fame Oh no Try to liberate me I said oh no Stay and irritate me I said oh no Try to ...
Peanuts [Croatian translation]
Sve je to igra Ti nisi isti Tvoje slavno ime Cijena je slave Oh ne Pokušaj me osloboditi Ja rekoh oh ne Ostani i izritiraj me Ja rekoh oh ne Pokušaj m...
Peanuts [Turkish translation]
Hepsi bir oyun Sen aynı değilsin O meşhur ismin Ünün bedeli Oh hayır Beni özgür bırakmayı dene Dedim ki oh hayır Kal ve gıcık et beni Dedim ki oh hayı...
Regatta de blanc lyrics
I've got a lump in my throat about the note you wrote I'd come on over but I haven't got a raincoat Have we got contact You and me? Have we got touchd...
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