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The Police lyrics
Tea In The Sahara lyrics
My sisters and I Have this wish before we die And it may sound strange As if our minds are deranged Please don't ask us why Beneath the sheltering sky...
Tea In The Sahara [Serbian translation]
Moje sestre i ja imamo želju tu, pre no što nas smrt stigne ta. Zvučaće ti se čudno, kao da smo s uma sišle zaludno. Molim te, ne pitaj zbog čega pod ...
The bed's too big without you lyrics
Bed's too big without you Cold wind blows right through that open door I can't sleep with your memory Dreaming dreams of what used to be When she left...
The bed's too big without you [German translation]
Bett ist zu groß ohne dich Kalter Wind weht durch die offene Tür Ich kann mit der Erinnerung an dich nicht schlafen Ich träume Träume, von dem was vor...
Too Much Information lyrics
Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane Too much information running through my brain Too much informatio...
Truth Hits Everybody lyrics
Sleep lay behind me like a broken ocean Strange waking dreams before my eyes unfold You lay there sleeping like an open doorway I stepped outside myse...
Truth Hits Everybody [Croatian translation]
Spava ležeći iza mene kao polomljeni ocean Čudni snovi koji me bude prije nego oči otvorim I ležiš tamo spavajući kao otvoreni ulaz Vani sam se smočio...
Truth Hits Everybody [German translation]
Der Schlaf lag hinter mir wie ein kaputter Ozean Seltsame Wachträume entfalten sich vor meinen Augen Du lagst dort schlafend wie eine offene Tür Ich t...
Truth Hits Everybody [Turkish translation]
Uyku kırık bir okyanus gibi ardımda yatıyor Gözlerimi açmadan tuhaf, uyanık rüyalar görüyorum Sen orda aralık bir kapı gibi yatmış uyuyuyorsun Kendimi...
Visions of the Night lyrics
Gazed into the visions of the night Seen the darkness fall I've heard a mountain fall away from sight Heard the thunder call Seen the beast I call my ...
Voices Inside My Head lyrics

Voices inside my head

Echoes of things that you said

Walking in your footsteps lyrics
Fifty million years ago, You walked upon the planet so, Lord of all that you could see, Just a little bit like me. Walking in your footsteps, Walking ...
Walking in your footsteps [Finnish translation]
Viisikymmentä miljoonaa vuotta sitten, Kävelit planeetalle joten, Voi Luoja mitä kaikkea saatoit nähdä, Jonkun vähän samankaltaisen kuin minä. Kävelen...
Walking in your footsteps [German translation]
Vor fünfzig Millionen Jahren Stampftest du auf dem Planeten, Herr über alles, was du sehen konntest, Gerade so ein wenig wie ich. Wir treten in deine ...
Walking in your footsteps [Spanish translation]
Hace cincuenta millones de años, caminabas por el planeta, amo de todo lo que tenías a la vista, más o menos como yo. Pisando tus huellas, pisando tus...
Walking On The Moon lyrics
Giant steps are what you take Walkin' on the moon I hope my leg don't break Walkin' on the moon We could walk forever Walkin' on the moon We could be ...
Walking On The Moon [Arabic translation]
الخطوات العملاقة هي ما تخطوه المشي على القمر آمل ألا تنكسر ساقي المشي على القمر يمكننا المشي إلى الأبد المشي على القمر نحن يمكن أن نكون معا امشي على س...
Walking On The Moon [Dutch translation]
Je neemt reusachtige stappen bij het lopen op de maan Ik hoop dat mijn benen het niet begeven bij het lopen op de maan We zouden eeuwig door kunnen bl...
Walking On The Moon [French translation]
Des pas de géants, voilà ce que tu fais En marchant sur la lune J'espère que ma jambe ne se cassera pas En marchant sur la lune Nous pourrions marcher...
Walking On The Moon [German translation]
Riesige Schritte macht man, Wenn man auf dem Mond läuft. Ich hoffe, mir bricht nicht das Bein, Wenn ich auf dem Mond laufe Wir könnten ewig laufen, We...
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